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  • Chanm>sm>on Pour Patrick Dewaere

    Raphael - Chanm>sm>on Pour Patrick Dewaere et toi j' te connaim>sm> pam>sm> maim>sm> t'em>sm> plum>sm> ma copine et toum>sm> lem>sm> jourm>sm> et lem>sm> m>sm>emainem>sm> et tu me faim>sm> vraiment de la peine non regarde lem>sm> autrem>sm> comme ilm>sm> m>sm>'aiment et moi je connaim>sm> un bon coin où on pourrait m>sm>'embram>sm>m>sm>er et je te veux rien, all...

    Raphael Caravane

    3B LAB.☆m>Sm> - ☆COMBINATION☆ 作詞:岡平健治 作曲:岡平健治 編曲:3B LAB.☆m>Sm> 欢迎您 この街のざわめきがうるさくて 目を閉じて 耳ふさぐ走っても バイクのライト 雨の道路で光ってる 僕は...

    3B LAB.☆m>Sm> フレンドシップ#4
  • Hot Place

    씨스타(m>Sm>im>sm>tar) (Feat. Brave m>Sm>ound) - Hot Place Yeah uhu It\\’m>sm> Brave m>sm>ound m>sm>i m>sm>i m>sm>i m>Sm>im>sm>tar Everybody knowm>sm> Everybody knowm>sm> Everybody knowm>sm> Crazy Everybody get down Everybody get down Everybody get down I\\’m crazy I like to party tonight Let\\’m>sm> party tonight 신나...

    m>Sm>Im>Sm>TAR m>Sm>ummer m>Sm>pecial \\’Loving U\\’
  • m>Sm>anta Claum>sm> Im>sm> Coming To Town (Verm>sm>ion 2)

    ...etter watch out You better not cry You better not pout I?m telling you why m>Sm>anta claum>sm> im>sm> comin? to town m>Sm>anta claum>sm> im>sm> comin? to town m>Sm>anta claum>sm> im>sm> comin? to town He?m>sm> making a lim>sm>t He?m>sm> checking it twice He?m>sm> gonna find out Who?m>sm> naughty or nice m>Sm>anta claum>sm> im>sm> comin? to town m>Sm>anta claum>sm> im>sm> comin?...

    Chrim>sm>tmam>sm> Chrim>sm>tmam>sm> Party
  • Weird World

    Weird World Backm>sm>treet Boym>sm> Never Gone Hey hey hey There'm>sm> m>sm>ilence over the city but it'm>sm> m>sm>o noim>sm>y There im>sm> ream>sm>on for looking up but I'm feeling down You m>sm>ee I've got to catch a plane, but won't buy a ticket Caum>sm>e itm>sm> hard to jum>sm>t m>sm>top when you're m>sm>pinning around ...

    Backm>sm>treet Boym>sm> Never Gone
  • m>Sm>o Good

    Let me get that yeah that’m>sm> it You feel that I know you feel that Let’m>sm> ride Big Daddy clom>sm>e the door What are you waiting for I’m crawling on all fourm>sm> Come join me on the floor I want thim>sm> rug to burn You’re greedy it’m>sm> my turn You’ve got a lot to learn Caum>sm>e I’m on thim>sm> job to work...

    李玟 Expom>sm>ed
  • 少一不可(m>Sm>tudent Verm>sm>ion)

    少一不可(m>Sm>tudent Verm>sm>ion) 作曲:徐伟贤 填词:徐伟贤 编曲:许创基 监制:范振锋/许创基/Edmond Tm>sm>ang 唱: 何嘉昕&叶峻维 维:有个下午太无聊 四处乱碰去瞧瞧 某处或某一个心总感渺少 这个下午很重要 跟好友在...

    Double.R Radio Good Old Daym>sm>
  • m>Sm>outh of the Border

    I know a freaky young lady Name of Cocaine Katie m>Sm>he makem>sm> my temperature freeze m>Sm>he′m>sm> got a blood red powder When m>sm>he givem>sm> a m>sm>hout m>Sm>he′ll bring you to your kneem>sm> Well, we were being clever playing God gamem>sm> forever m>Sm>he m>sm>aid m>sm>he only meant to pleam>sm>e But I′m m>sm>omeone′m>sm> brother, got a father...

    Keely m>Sm>mith Keely m>Sm>ingm>sm> m>Sm>inatra
  • 我的爱438

    作曲 : 严爵 作词 : 严爵 I DON’T WANT ANYONE TO m>Sm>EE THAT I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU~ BUT IT’m>Sm> HARD TO HIDE Mm>Sm>MILE 这样傻傻地笑 爱 就让我们爱到不行 直到 忘我 但不忘你 因为要永远珍惜你 我的爱 I DON’T WANT ANYONE TO m>Sm>EE THAT I...

    严爵 谢谢你的美好
  • I Don’t Mim>sm>m>sm> You

    Jam>sm>on Mraz - I Don’t Mim>sm>m>sm> You Every day im>sm> a day in paradim>sm>e I choom>sm>e to view my life im>sm> not a dream I can m>sm>ee how the world im>sm> alive It’m>sm> ever changing Every m>sm>eam>sm>on im>sm> a brand new m>sm>tart addrem>sm>m>sm> Every day givem>sm> my m>Sm>unday bem>sm>t But many hourm>sm> while I awake Wondering how the hell you ...

    Jam>sm>on Mraz
