找到 all that i m 相关歌词900首

  • These Boots Are Made For Walkm>im>n’

    ...e handy when laws m>im>n front of you These boots are made for walkm>im>ng And m>thatm>’s just what they’ll do One of these days these boots are gonna walk m>allm> over you You belm>im>eve you’ve stopped me for a reason (uh) Now m>Im>’m pretendm>im>ng my bendm>im>ng's just for fun You keep playm>im>ng where m>Im> got yo...

    Jessm>im>ca Sm>im>mpson
  • Baby Gm>im>rl

    ... m>Im>'ve seen a man cry, m>Im>'ve seen a man dm>im>e m>im>nsm>im>de m>Im>'ve seen hm>im>m say to me m>thatm> he m>im>s only mm>im>ne m>Thatm> he gotta do what m>im>s best for hm>im>m Never let me m>im>n, not even begm>im>n To tell me m>Im>’m the one under hm>im>s moon and sun m>Thatm> m>Im> am the thm>im>ng m>thatm> revolves around hm>im>m But whm>im>le on top of hm>im>m m>Im> know what'...

    Nelly Furtado Whoa Nelly! (Specm>im>al Edm>im>tm>im>on)
  • C’mon

    ...mon Ke$ha LRC:XFHY Qq:395254794 www.lrc.net Saw you leanm>im>ng agam>im>nst m>thatm> old record machm>im>ne. Saw the name of your band wrm>im>tten on the marquee. m>Im>t’s a full moon tonm>im>ght so we gettm>im>n’ rowdy, Yeah, we gettm>im>n’ rowdy, get-get-gettm>im>n’ rowdy. Feelm>im>ng lm>im>ke m>Im>’m a hm>im>gh schooler, Sm>im>ppm>im>ng on a wa...

    Ke$ha Warrm>im>or
  • もらい泣き

    ...The more m>Im> put m>im>t m>im>nto words m>Im> see How smm>allm> we are m>im>n the galaxy Remember m>thatm> book? Bought m>im>t as a gm>im>ft to gm>im>ve to you but now m>Im>t’s already out dated Oh Oh Start of another day m>Im> hear the melody play No prm>im>nce to save me lm>im>ke m>im>n“Cm>im>nderella” m>Im>t’ll be a better day, Take a step and smm>im>le awa...

    アルマカミニイト ALMA COVERS
  • Sm>im>ngalongsong(Lm>im>ve) - lm>im>ve

    ...d just lm>im>e to me And we could be m>im>n love, you see Oh, m>im>t's sm>im>ngalong song m>thatm> not too long m>Im>t’s when m>im> thm>im>nk about you m>thatm> m>im> hear songs and you can sm>im>ngalone Maybe m>im>f you want to Cos' baby m>im> wrote thm>im>s, m>im> wrote thm>im>s for you m>Im> wrote thm>im>s song m>Im>t’s not too long Cos' m>im>’m the one who loves you...

    方大同 15 香港演唱会(2011Lm>im>ve)
  • Make Love

    ....com 卜超 制作 Forever you my gm>im>rl Forever be my world Remember m>thatm> One day m>Im> held your hands and m>Im> km>im>ssed your lm>im>ps then m>Im> told you Our love was meant to be and always wm>im>ll forever Gm>im>ve me m>thatm> happm>im>ness m>Im> get from you just bem>im>ng there m>Im> always see you when m>Im> close my eyes, you’...

    Bm>im>g Bang Number 1
  • Beautm>im>ful day

    ...oom No space to rent m>im>n thm>im>s town You’re out of luck And the reason m>thatm> you had to care The traffm>im>c m>im>s stuck And you’re not movm>im>ng anywhere You thought you’d found a frm>im>end To take you out of thm>im>s place Someone you could lend a hand m>Im>n return for grace m>Im>t’s a beautm>im>ful day ...

    U2 m>Allm> m>Thatm> You Can't Leave Behm>im>nd
  • The Good Good (feat. m>Im>za Lach)

    ...nnm>im>n round gom>im>ng nowhereGlad m>Im> get to steal m>allm> your tm>im>meSmm>im>lm>im>n cuz m>Im> know m>thatm> m>Im>’m the one m>thatm> makes you smm>im>leLove the way you say my nameAnd how you laugh at m>allm> the stupm>im>d thm>im>ngs m>Im> saym>Im>t’s m>allm> lovm>im>n, no hateHangm>im>n wm>im>th you whm>im>le you're hangm>im>n hangm>im>n on my arm (And m>Im> lm>im>ke m>im>t)Your hand on my b...

    Snoop Lm>im>on Rem>im>ncarnated (Deluxe Versm>im>on)
  • Roses

    ... m>Im> just don't Wanna be bothered But m>im>t seems lm>im>ke You can't understand m>thatm> Because m>im>t's your way Or no way But check thm>im>s out m>Im>t's my way today And m>Im>'m rem>allm>y, rem>allm>y Sm>im>ck and tm>im>red Of you steppm>im>n' m>im>nto My lm>im>ttle box When m>Im> just don't wanna be bothered, OK? So check thm>im>s out (Verse...

    Mary J. Blm>im>ge Growm>im>ng Pam>im>ns
  • NYC (Featurm>im>ng Nas)

    ...s, you get caught up m>im>n the schemes and fm>allm> apart m>im>n the seam Tonm>im>ght m>Thatm> boy he used to bomb, From B.K. to the Bronx and m>im>t’s the fortunate one, who dm>im>es New York, we ready! He move from LAS to SoHo (hooo) A few blocks for those who don’t know (ohh) Down the hm>allm> punched a hole m>im>n t...

    Kevm>im>n Rudolf m>Im>n The Cm>im>ty
