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... 歌名:Perfect 演唱:元ちとせ 專輯:春のかたみ Lyric
元ちとせ 春のかたみm>s m>: Fairground Attraction Mum>s m>ic: Fairground Attraction I don’t want half hearted love affairm>s m> I needm>s m>omeone who really carem>s m>. Life im>s m> toom>s m>hort to playm>s m>illy gamem>s m> I’ve promim>s m>ed mym>s m>elf I won’t do that again.... -
m>S m>hadowYour body`
Britneym>s m> warm But you are not You give a little Not A lot You coup your love until we kim>s m>m>s m> You`re all I want but not like thim>s m> I`m watching you dim>s m>appear But you, you were never here Chorum>s m> It`m>s m> only yourm>s m>hadow Never yourm>s m>elf It`m>s m> only yourm>s m>hadow ...m>S m>pearm>s m> In The Zone -
m>S m>hadowYour body`
陈文媛 Gracefulm>s m> warm But you are not You give a little Not A lot You coup your love until we kim>s m>m>s m> You`re all I want but not like thim>s m> I`m watching you dim>s m>appear But you, you were never here It`m>s m> only yourm>s m>hadow Never yourm>s m>elf It`m>s m> only yourm>s m>hadow Nobody elm>s m>e It`m>s m> only yourm>s m>hadow Filling the room A... -
Counting Down The Day
m>s m>Counting Down The Day
Natalie Imbruglia Counting Down the Daym>s m> You were right And I don’t wanna be here If your gonna be there Wam>s m> thatm>s m>uppom>s m>ed to happen I’ll hold tight I’ll remember tom>s m>mile Though it ham>s m> been a while And without you doem>s m> it matter There’m>s m> no room No place tom>s m>tart When ourm>s m>oulm>s m> are apar...m>s m> -
Crazy Kid
m>s m>Crazy Kid
Ke$ha Warriorm>s m> Ke$ha lrc:XFHY Qq:395254794 www.lrc.net Hello, wherever you are Are you dancing on the dance floor&nbm>s m>p;or&nbm>s m>p;drinking by the bar? Tonight we do it big, andm>s m>hine likem>s m>tarm>s m> We don’t give a fuck caum>s m>e that’m>s m> jum>s m>t who we are And we are, we are we are, we are we are The crazy... -
「PARADOX」 ラップ詞∶櫻井翔 作詞∶HJ & Co./AKIRA/
嵐 LOVEm>S m>QUAREF/m>s m>-Tnk 作曲∶Jamem>s m> Bird/Olly Goodman 歌∶嵐 真夜中 泡立つ血が騒いでる I can’tm>s m>top thim>s m> 上向く三日月 誰も知らないのm>S m>omebody tell me about it 教えてやるよ 惹かれてる Your perfume ... -
Beautiful Day(Live) - live
作曲 : 曹格 作词 : 曹格 Beautiful morning with the
曹格 曹格 Moov live (2010)m>s m>unm>s m>hine on my face I m thinking of you today The windm>s m> are breezing The flowerm>s m> are blooming I think I m in love again Light up my cigarette Have a glam>s m>m>s m> of champagne I’m mim>s m>m>s m>ing you today The moonlig... -
Un Dia Llegara (live07)
LRC Produced By Prince William Album:Awake Live Jo
Jom>s m>h Groban-Un Día Llegara Lam>s m> hojam>s m>m>s m>ecam>s m> caerán y cuando llegue Abril, mi alma tocarám>s m>. Te acercarám>s m>, vendrám>s m> por mí. Dem>s m>puém>s m> de tantam>s m>oledad, yo volveré am>s m>entir. Encontraré mi paz en tí. Cuandom>s m>e duerma la ciuda...m>s m>h Groban Awake Live -
Long Way Home
I’m kicking that
ATBm>s m>tone Down yourm>s m>treet alone And the wallm>s m> criticim>s m>e where I have gone I’m throwing thatm>s m>tone Through your open door And the hallm>s m>m>s m>eem to tell me I am wrong CHORUm>S m>: I’ taking the long way home Where everything’m>s m> overgrown Jum>s m>t like the boy Trying to g... -
Love You More (Engli
m>s m>h verm>s m>ion)「Love You More (Engli
GENERATIONm>s m>h verm>s m>ion)」 作詞∶Maria Okada 作曲∶m>S m>KY BEATZ/m>S m>HIKATA/CHRIm>S m> HOPE/J FAITH 歌∶GENERATIONm>S m> from EXILE TRIBE Yeah baby I wanna tell you now Baby I love you more It’m>s m> better when we are together From the day we met you are my tream>s m>ure It’m>s m> hard to hang up ’c...m>S m> from EXILE TRIBE HOTm>S m>HOT