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Nobody's Bus
m>i m>ness歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.comNobody's Bus
Sheryl Crow Feels Lm>i m>ness - Sheryl Crow.m>I m>t’s gettm>i m>ng late agam>i m>n tonm>i m>ghtAnd maybe you should just spend the nm>i m>ghtButm>i m>t am>i m>n’t wrong as long as we thm>i m>nkm>i m>t’s alrm>i m>ght.But you don’t have to park a block awayOr sneak out before the break of dayButm>i m>f the nem>i m>ghbors see you who c...m>i m>ke Home -
m>I m>NG安室奈美恵 - DARL
安室奈美惠 FUNKY TOWNm>I m>NG 作詞:H.U.B. 作曲:LORm>I m> Fm>I m>NE 編曲:COLDFEET www.lrcgc.com 制作 Want me,m>baby m>... はずみ? feelm>i m>n me つまり成り行き じれったい たまんない R指定じゃない uh tonm>i m>ght come on boy sweetest joy なついた猫みたい ... -
Lm>i m>ttle Jackm>i m>e - LOL www.lrcgc.com $$$ Jermen 制作m>I m> see hm>i m>s thumbs workm>i m>ng overtm>i m>me latelym>I m>mmersedm>i m>n a text you sent dm>i m>scretely She probably a cool chm>i m>ck, lm>i m>ght-skm>i m>nned, pretty Come to thm>i m>nk ofm>i m>t she probably a lot lm>i m>ke mem>I m>t’s a low blow butm>I m> act lm>i m>kem>I m> don’t know You ...m>i m>ttle Jackm>i m>e The Stoop -
m>i m>o Saved My Lm>i m>fe Tonm>i m>ght] Bon Jov
Bon Jovm>i m> - Radm>i m>o Saved My Lm>i m>fe Tonm>i m>ght (Lm>i m>ve At Atlantm>i m>c Cm>i m>ty 2004) www.lrcgc.com ★ 制作m>I m> got somethm>i m>ng on my mm>i m>nd;m>I m>’m just a lm>i m>ttle bm>i m>t depressedm>I m> try to blamem>i m>t on the ram>i m>n butm>i m>t wasm>i m>n my heart,m>I m> guessm>I m>’m feelm>i m>ng lm>i m>ke a stranger whe...m>i m> Have a Nm>i m>ce Day [CD-Sm>I m>NGLE -
m>i m>vem>I m>t To Me NowSugababes - G
Sugababes Sweet 7m>i m>vem>I m>t To Me Now www.lrcgc.com @ 活在當下 制作 Gm>i m>vem>i m>t to me now Gm>i m>vem>i m>t to me now Gm>i m>vem>i m>t to me now (Gm>i m>vem>i m>t, gm>i m>ve-g-gm>i m>vem>i m>t to me now) Gm>i m>vem>i m>t to me now (Gm>i m>vem>i m>t, gm>i m>vem>i m>t, get-get-get down) You've been talkm>i m>ng lm>i m>ke you wanna hopm>i m>n and take a spm>i m>n On my love... -
m>i m>ssm>i m>on Dm>i m>spatch「M
ALTm>i m>ssm>i m>on Dm>i m>spatch」 作詞∶motsu/Maon Kurosakm>i m> 作曲∶motsu 編曲∶motsu 歌∶ALTm>I m>MA Ladm>i m>ess and Gentlemen, boys and gm>i m>rls Let’s get thm>i m>s party just startm>i m>t rm>i m>ght now Hey, take a look hey, take a look howm>i m>t goes, come on 1,2,3, here comes the express Everybody’sm>i m>n the house no...m>I m>MA TRYANGLE -
Truth Hurts
Usher---Truth Hurts
Usher Confessm>I m>ntro Yeah umm Seem>i m>t’s sm>i m>tuatm>i m>ons lm>i m>ke thm>i m>s That causes us players to get caught upm>I m>n umm the truth Yeah What you dom>i m>ng, where you been?m>I m> paged you and you am>i m>n’t hm>i m>t me backm>I m> been callm>i m>n’ andm>I m> know you see my number on that callerm>I m>.D. Just l...m>i m>ons -
危険な香り0パーセント? その方がなにかとね うまくいくのさ 芝居はこれにておしまい 真実は目に見えるものばかりじゃないんだぜ Make your bra
FTm>i m>n crack 扉を閉めたら Now sm>i m>t back 歯止めがきかないや Fallm>i m>n black 楽しければい...m>I m>SLAND TOP SECRET -
No Doubt
歌名No Doubt (featur
李玟 Exposedm>i m>ng Blaaze) 歌手李玟 专辑Exposedm>Baby m> –no doubt –gotta show me whatm>i m>t s aboutm>Baby m> –no doubt –gotta show me whatm>i m>t s about Boy lets makem>i m>t Hot What you say your name wasm>I m> m km>i m>nda tm>i m>psy sm>i m>ppm>i m>n on Corona (damnm>baby m>)m>I m> ... -
The Pa
m>i m>nterwestl
陈秋霞 Because Of Youm>i m>fe The pam>i m>nterm>I m>fm>I m> were a pam>i m>nter Mm>i m>xm>i m>ng my colors How couldm>I m> ever fm>i m>nd the blue of your eyes The canvas could never Capture the lm>i m>ght of your smm>i m>le, of your smm>i m>le And gm>i m>rlm>i m>fm>I m> were a sculptor, Workm>i m>ngm>i m>n marblem>I m> couldn’t hope to copy your perfect face The curve of your body The feel of...