找到 i know m alone 相关歌词200首
The Academym>I m> dm>i m>d?m>I m>f thm>i m>sm>i m>s a test,m>I m>’m wastm>i m>ng my breath You’re a strangerm>I m>m>know m> well, and not at all. Heart on a hook thrown out to the sea, your basement busy. Sm>i m>ttm>i m>ngm>i m>n the dark,m>I m> turn the radm>i m>o off for a phone call you’ll lm>i m>kely mm>i m>ss. Wake me whenm>i m>t’s over. The last sound of goodb...m>I m>s... Fast Tm>i m>mes At Barrm>i m>ngton Hm>i m>gh -
m>i m>ng On...t of a journey. And my m
Gnarls Barkley The Odd Couplem>i m>ndm>i m>s already gone And though there are other unm>know m>ns Somehow thm>i m>s doesn’t concern me. And you can stand rm>i m>ght therem>i m>f you want Butm>I m>’m gom>i m>ng on Andm>I m>’m prepared to gom>i m>t alonem>I m>’m gom>i m>ng on To a placem>i m>n the sun that’s nm>i m>ce and warmm>I m>’m gom>i m>ng on A... -
m>i m>scuous Gm>i m>rl...e
Nelly Furtado Loosem>I m>m all alone Andm>i m>t's you thatm>I m> want N: Promm>i m>scuous boy You alreadym>know m> Thatm>I m>’m all yours What you wam>i m>tm>i m>ng for? Promm>i m>scuous gm>i m>rl You're teasm>i m>ng me Youm>know m> whatm>I m> want Andm>I m> got what you need N: Promm>i m>scuous boy Let's get to the pom>i m>nt Cause we're on a roll Are you ready? Verse... -
m>I m>’m Wm>i m>th You...th
Avrm>i m>s lm>i m>fe Won't you take me by the hand Take me somewhere newm>I m> dontm>know m> who you are Butm>I m>...m>I m>'m wm>i m>th youm>I m>'m wm>i m>th youm>I m>'m lookm>i m>ng for a place Searchm>i m>ng for a facem>I m>s anybody herem>I m>m>know m> Cause nothm>i m>ng's gom>i m>ng rm>i m>ght And everythm>i m>ng's a mess And no one lm>i m>kes to be alone Oh why ...m>i m>l Lavm>i m>gne Let Go -
m>i m>d...能呼吸 敷衍 也不见得开朗 想飞 却又离不开 But
萧潇 Beautm>I m>m>know m> 这并非我要的怎么说 我已忘了how to be myself and how to be alone Band-Am>i m>d 裹着我的心 撕毁 也不算牺牲吧 反正 我已想得开 ‘Causem>I m>m>know m> 我的一对翅膀想要飞 Andm>I m>...m>i m>ful Angel -
........baby.... Hush now keep our love qu
李玟 Exposedm>i m>et.m>I m>t must stay on the low. Andm>I m>m>know m>m>i m>t am>i m>n’t easy, but nobody else has tom>know m>. You and me got a chemm>i m>stry between us. Andm>I m> truly feel, that you are the onem>I m> dream of.m>I m> wanna tell the whole world, that you’re mm>i m>ne (butm>I m> can’t) Try to understand... -
陈洁仪 重译m>i m>llm>i m>on peoplem>i m> stm>i m>ll feel all alone and just wanna go homem>i m> mm>i m>ss you youm>know m> andm>i m>ve been keepm>i m>ng all the letters thatm>i m> wrote to you each one a lm>i m>ne or twom>i m>m fm>i m>ne baby how are youm>i m> would send them butm>i m>m>know m> thatm>i m>ts just not enough my words were cold and flat and you deserve more than that an... -
All Out Of Love
...m ly
Am>i m>ng alone wm>i m>th my head on the phone Thm>i m>nkm>i m>ng of you tm>i m>llm>i m>t hurtsm>I m>m>know m> you hurt too but what else can we do Tormented and torn apartm>I m> wm>i m>shm>I m> could carry your smm>i m>lem>i m>n my heart For tm>i m>mes when my lm>i m>fe seems so lowm>I m>t would make me belm>i m>eve what tomorrow could brm>i m>ng When today doesn’t re...m>i m>r Supply -
Tears Macerate Reason
...ll of pleasure so fra
T.M.Revolutm>i m>l Town after town onm>I m> travel Pass through facesm>I m>m>know m> andm>know m> not Lm>i m>ke a bm>i m>rdm>i m>n flm>i m>ght,sometm>i m>mesm>I m> topple Tm>i m>me and tm>i m>me agam>i m>n,just farewells Donde voy,donde voy Day by day,my story unfolds Solo estoy,solo estoy All alone as the daym>I m> was born Tm>i m>ll your eyes restm>i m>n...m>i m>on SEVENTH HEAVEN -
Better W
m>i m>thout You... Suffered the hurt Dealt w
Kelly Rowland Ms. Kellym>i m>th the pam>i m>nm>I m> used to say thatm>I m> dm>i m>dn’t’m>know m> whatm>I m> would do wm>i m>thout youm>I m>fm>I m> can makem>i m>t wm>i m>thout you Butm>I m>’m dom>i m>ng better wm>i m>thout you Movm>i m>ng wm>i m>thout you Babym>I m>’m… Lovm>i m>ng wm>i m>thout you Happy Happy wm>i m>thout you Oh Betterm>I m>’m… Better wm>i m>thout youm>I m>’...