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Fly in me Remedy 一口で支配する 君は甘い Viru
増田貴久(NEWm>s m> 痛いほど 癒しを与えて Remedy I’mm>s m>ick but I’m not ILL 月灯り着る 君の vim>s m>ion に毒されて I’m KILLED 派手な口づけ ひと目釘付け 体を巡り記憶に寄生 Fly in me Remedy 一口で支配する 君...m>S m>) NEWm>S m> -
「Backfire」 作詞∶Maon Kuro
ALTIMA TRYANGLEm>s m>aki/motm>s m>u 作曲∶m>S m>atom>s m>hi Yaginuma 編曲∶m>S m>atom>s m>hi Yaginuma/Kai Kawam>s m>aki 歌∶ALTIMA Into the night, let me go go 瞬きほどで後方 飛び去ってく View ミクロンも狂わん狙いは 研ぎ澄まされたスナイパー スピーカーの悲鳴 ... -
m>S m>m>S m>! KIm>S m>m>S m>!! KIm>S m>m>S m>!!!I’ll take you to higher party night I’m not drunk but I ju
CLIFF EDGE CLIFF EDGEm>s m>t drunk you I’ll take you to higher party night… I jum>s m>t need you & fallin’ love oh oh oh Pleam>s m>e kim>s m>m>s m> me It’m>s m> only love oh oh oh 側にいるだけで oh oh oh forever lovin’ you I’m falling love you I’m falling love y... -
1234 Get out my way! I don’t wanna
布偶乐队m>s m>ee you lom>s m>er 1234 We got crazy! I jum>s m>t want to have fun with you Do you want to do it jum>s m>t do you want to do, Do you want to do I can take your heart GO GO GO wim>s m>h you can happy It’m>s m> not goodbye before you do it do it I jum>s m>t told you it’m>s m> not... -
m>s m>Thi
Bruno Marm>s m> one’m>s m> for you and me, living out our dreamm>s m> We’re all right where wem>s m>hould be Lift my armm>s m> out wide I open my eyem>s m> And now all I wannam>s m>ee Im>s m> am>s m>ky full of lighterm>s m> Am>s m>ky full of lighterm>s m> By the time you hear thim>s m> I will have alreadym>s m>piralled up I would never do nothing to ...m>s m>、eminem -
...The party tonight 準備alright nowTuxedo with my girl my girl (oh baby my
m>S m>J)Tuxedo with my girl my girl (check it up)あと30分later 迎えに行くよ 空にm>s m>ilver moon僕のプリンセス 君をエスコート 今夜はparadim>s m>e世界中が敵でもいい (敵でもいい)この愛perfect oh oh...m>S m>UPER JUNIOR Hero -
Entrega Total
Luim>s m> Miguel - Entrega Total M y L - Abelardo Pulido Em>s m>ta vez Ya nom>s m>oporto la terriblem>s m>oledad Yo no te pongo condición Harám>s m> conmigo lo que quieram>s m> Bien o mal Llévame Dem>s m>er pom>s m>ible ham>s m>ta la mim>s m>ma eternidad Donde perdure nuem>s m>tro amor Porque tú Erem>s m> toda mi felicidad ...m>s m> Miguel Mexico En La Piel -
m>s m>Jo
Jom>s m>hua Jamem>s m> - Dangeroum>s m> www.lrcgc.com 活在当下 制作 The TV’m>s m> blaring, the radio im>s m> turned up loud Maybe then I’llm>s m>leep well, maybe then I’ll drown you out. Don’t want to think much I don’ t want to reminim>s m>ce Cuz lovem>s m>ongm>s m> and poemm>s m> have all lead, they’ve all le...m>s m>hua Jamem>s m> Them>S m>un Im>s m> Alwaym>s m> Brighter -
Patrick Bruel - Ménilmontant (En duo avec Charle
Patrick Bruel Entre Deux (Dim>s m> Aznavour) Parolem>s m> et Mum>s m>ique: Charlem>s m> Trenet 1938 EDITEUR : Editionm>s m> Raoul Breton Ménilmontant, maim>s m> oui Madame C'em>s m>t là que j'ai laim>s m>m>s m>é mon coeur C'em>s m>t là que j'vienm>s m> retrouver mon ame Toute ma flamme, tout mon bonheur. ...m>s m>que 1) -
...w.lrcgc.com Goal - 欲望之箭 You’re like a girl, untouchable, but in
欲望之箭 Fatem>s m>ightm>S m>ometimem>s m> I onlym>s m>ee enemiem>s m>, like I’m donem>S m>till you are my guidingm>s m>tar in the dark, it’m>s m> all I have Am>s m> I’m travelling further into dem>s m>ert landm>s m> You have made me bleed to confront mym>s m>elf with me Thrown into...