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Clockwork (发条娃娃)
...L 들리니 심장 소리는 BOUNC
BoA Km>I m>NG NOW BEATm>I m>NG NOWm>I m>’M ALm>I m>VEm>I m>T’S ALL FOR YOU PLEASE Wm>I m>ND UP THE KEYm>I m>N MY BACKm>I m> HAVE NOm>I m>DEAm>I m> HAVE NO WAY TO GO 또다시 깨어나는 SENSES 더 가까이 그리고 빠르게 뛰는 MY HEARTm>I m>S BEATm>I m>NG CAN WE JUST TAKEm>I m>T SLOW PLEASE Wm>I m>ND UP THE KE...m>i m>ss My Lm>i m>ps -
Da Butta feat L
m>i m>l’ Km>i m>m...ot So
Wm>I m> got my spm>i m>ral notebook Drm>i m>nk and pen And then abracadabra y''all, donem>i m>t agam>i m>n Marrm>i m>ed butm>I m> flm>i m>rt a lm>i m>ttle Sm>i m>km>i m>ng the ladm>i m>esm>I m>n the vm>i m>deosm>I m> be brm>i m>ngm>i m>ngm>i m>t lm>i m>ke Mm>i m>kem>i m>n the 80s Level of success based on my level of rm>i m>sk You''ve been yellm>i m>ng for the lyrm>i m>cm>i m>st Then revelm>i m>ng ...m>i m>ll Smm>i m>th Wm>i m>llennm>i m>um -
...ush me when there's noth
Madonna Confessm>i m>ng else to do You push me whenm>I m> thm>i m>nkm>I m> knowm>i m>t all You push me whenm>I m> stumble andm>I m> fall Keep on pushm>i m>n' lm>i m>ke nobody Every placem>I m> lm>i m>ve, every moodm>I m>'mm>i m>n Everythm>i m>ngm>I m> do,m>I m> owem>i m>t all to you Every movem>I m> make, every stepm>I m> take Every thm>i m>ngm>I m> know,m>i m>t's all beca...m>i m>ons On A Dance Floor -
m>i m>ng Me Low...start the show, oh You got under my sk
Davm>i m>n andm>I m> can’t begm>i m>n To thm>i m>nk of all the trouble you keep gettm>i m>ng mem>i m>n Som>I m>’ll just hold on and try to be strong Andm>I m> fall apart whenm>I m>’m wm>i m>th youm>I m> cry whenm>I m> km>i m>ss youm>I m> know you’re really no good You got my heartm>i m>n your hand No,m>I m>’ll never...m>i m>d Cook -
Yesterday's Feel
m>i m>ngs...people's faces blurred out L
The Usedm>i m>ke sunspots or ram>i m>ndrops... (Chorus) Now all those feelm>i m>ngs, those yesterdays feelm>i m>ngs wm>i m>ll all be lostm>i m>n tm>i m>me. but todaym>i m>'ve wasted away for todaym>i m>s on my mm>i m>nd... Left the only worrm>i m>esm>I m> hadm>i m>n my hands, Away from the lm>i m>ghtm>i m>n my eyes.. Holdm>i m>ng tm>i m>ght and ...m>I m>n Love And Death -
m>i m>ngm>I m>n... g
Marm>i m>rl Who lm>i m>vesm>i m>nsm>i m>de the golden world But don’t belm>i m>eve That’s all therem>i m>s to see You’ll never know the real me She smm>i m>les through a thousand tears And harbours adolescent fears She dreams of all That she can never be She wadesm>i m>nm>i m>nsecurm>i m>ty yeah And hm>i m>des herselfm>i m>nsm>i m>...m>i m>ah Carey Daydream -
Closer To The Truth And Furthher From The Sky
...t worsh
Butch Walker Sycamore Meadowsm>i m>p Satan” Just becausem>I m> had the same long ham>i m>r As the Jesusm>i m>n all them>i m>r pam>i m>ntm>i m>ngs Every church just made me scared Of words lm>i m>ke sert and fam>i m>th and congregatm>i m>onm>I m>n a world wm>i m>th so many answers left Why dom>I m> need so many explanatm>i m>ons To get closer to the truth and further from the... -
m>I m>'m Gone (Acoustm>i m>c Versm>i m>on)...gle) S
Sm>i m>mple Plan-Whenm>I m>'m Gone(Acoustm>i m>c Versm>i m>on)m>I m> look around me But allm>I m> seem to seem>I m>s people gom>i m>ng nowhere Expectm>i m>ng sympathym>I m>t’s lm>i m>ke we’re gom>i m>ng through the motm>i m>ons Of the scrm>i m>pted destm>i m>ny Tell me where’s ourm>i m>nspm>i m>ratm>i m>onm>I m>f lm>i m>fe wont wam>i m>tm>I m> guessm>i m>t’s up to me Whoahh ...m>i m>mple Plan Whenm>I m>'m Gone (CD Sm>i m>ngle) -
Be W
m>i m>th You... party up at club Bl
潘玮柏 零零七m>i m>ng tm>i m>ll 6m>i m>n da mornm>i m>ng don't want yo body fm>i m>gure sexuallym>I m> wanna pop u fm>i m>gure annually showm>i m>ng you so securm>i m>ty U dun gota worry B Satm>i m>sfactm>i m>on guaranteed You don't need another G You can havem>i m>t allm>i m>n me You lm>i m>ke morphm>i m>ne you soothe me Thru da pam>i m>n and da strugglesm>i m>t gets ho... -
林志炫m>i m>t a try Andm>I m> know the roads to rm>i m>ches Andm>I m> know the ways to famem>I m> know all the rules and thenm>I m> know how to break’em Andm>I m> always know the name of the game Butm>I m> don’t know how to leave you Andm>I m>’ll never let you fall Andm>I m> don’t know how you dom>i m>t Makm>i m>ng love out of nothm>i m>ng at all Out ...