找到 i m going to 相关歌词700首

  • What We Do Here

    ...y past And all the relatm>im>onshm>im>ps that dm>im>dn’t last Before we do what we gonna do There’s somethm>im>ng m>Im> must get stram>im>ght See, what we do here stays here m>Im>’m tellm>im>ng you ‘cause m>Im> wanna make m>im>t clear m>Im>t’s only ‘cause m>Im> want you to have no fear That baby, what we do here stays here And...

    Brm>im>an McKnm>im>ght Gemm>im>nm>im>
  • m>Im>’m Gonna Get You Good!

    m>Im>'m Gonna Get You Good Shanm>im>a Twam>im>n Let's go! Uh,Don't wantcha for the weekend don't wantcha for a nm>im>ght m>Im>'m only m>im>nterested m>im>f m>Im> can have you for lm>im>fe yeah Uh, m>Im> know m>Im> sound serm>im>ous and baby m>Im> am You're a fm>im>ne pm>im>ece of real estate and m>Im>'m gonna get me some land Oh, ye...

    Shanm>im>a Twam>im>n
  • Lm>im>ghters

    ..., Tm>im>ll nobody else even fuckm>im>ng feels me, tm>im>ll’ m>im>t km>im>lls me m>Im> swear to god m>Im>’ll be the fuckm>im>ng m>im>llest m>im>n thm>im>s musm>im>c There m>im>s or there ever wm>im>ll be, dm>im>sagree? Feel free, but from now on m>Im>’m refusm>im>ng to ever gm>im>ve up The only thm>im>ng m>Im> ever gave up m>im>s usm>im>ng. No more excuses. Excuse me m>im>f...

    Bruno Mars、emm>im>nem
  • m>Im>'m m>Im>n Love

    ...s through hm>im>s eyes We never looked so pretty Never seemed so real m>Im> let go of myself now And tell hm>im>m how m>Im> feel Cause m>Im>’m m>im>n love agam>im>n, agam>im>n And you may call me tomorrow my frm>im>end, yes You may km>im>ss me agam>im>n and agam>im>n m>Im>’ll hold on tm>im>ght So m>Im> let go of myself now And tell hm>im>m how m>Im> ...

    Marm>im>a Mena Cause And Effect
  • proud of you

    ...你的骄傲 歌手:m2m love m>im>n your eyes sm>im>ttm>im>ng sm>im>lent by my sm>im>de gom>im>ng on holdm>im>ng hand walkm>im>ng through the nm>im>ghts hold me up hold me tm>im>ght lm>im>ft me up to touch the sky teachm>im>ng me to love wm>im>th heart helpm>im>ng me open my mm>im>nd m>im> can fly m>im>’m proud that m>im> can fly to gm>im>ve the bes...

    M2M M2M
  • Nothm>im>ng You Can Say

    ...hey touched downAnd whm>im>le the pm>im>eces of my puzzle wash awaym>Im> heard you say goodbye!Oh, so are you ready to go, now?m>Im>’m not ready to lose youm>Im> thm>im>nk m>Im> just dm>im>d, m>Im> just dm>im>d,m>Im>t’s all over now!But m>Im> wm>im>sh m>Im> could thm>im>nk of a way to save our loveAnythm>im>ng that m>Im> can say to youm>Im> don’t wanna make you lo...

    Sam Hook 2011年10月欧美新歌速递
  • Hm>im>s Mm>im>stakes

    ... have to do wm>im>th me Trym>im>ng to show you somethm>im>ng real Fm>im>gure out what m>im>s gom>im>ng on Before you look up and m>Im>’ll be gone.... Baby gm>im>rl but m>Im> refuse To pay for somethm>im>ng m>Im> dm>im>dn’t do, gm>im>rl m>Im> love you, and m>Im> love you m>Im> love you To pay for somethm>im>ng m>Im> dm>im>dn’t do, no

    Usher Here m>Im> Stand
  • Say Yes

    ...我耳畔 在我身边 不停许愿 说 好想听见 Say yes Honey m>Im> 'm gom>im>ng to love to love Get your love wam>im>tm>im>ng for your answer Say yes 远方路蜿蜒崎岖 牵我的手一起 听云对风说愿意 在这夏日天空里 身边的人潮褪去 黑夜不期而遇 星空下剩我和你 多像童...

  • Shut Up

    ...m>im>th m>im>n you but you betrayed me Too bad that love m>im>s blm>im>nd But now that m>Im> got you tm>im>ed up m>Im>’m a-qum>im>te sure that you know thm>im>s am>im>n’t gonna fly There m>im>s no need to try and km>im>ss up to me Your stupm>im>d lm>im>es won’t save you thm>im>s tm>im>me m>Im> hate you ! Shut up, shut up ! Crym>im>n’ won’t help you get...

    Lafee Shut Up
  • Seasons of the Heart

    ... Love m>im>s why m>Im> came here m>im>n the fm>im>rst place Love m>im>s now the reason m>Im> must go Love m>im>s all m>Im> ever hoped to fm>im>nd here Love m>im>s stm>im>ll the only dream m>Im> know So m>Im> don’t know how to tell you m>Im>t’s dm>im>ffm>im>cult to say m>Im> never m>im>n my wm>im>ldest dreams m>Im>magm>im>ned m>im>t thm>im>s way But sometm>im>mes m>Im> just don’t kn...

    John Denver
