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  • Stronger

    ... fear m>Im>f you wanna come wm>im>th me Then that’s way m>im>t’s gotta be m>Im>’m all alone and fm>im>nally m>Im>’m gettm>im>ng stronger You’ll come to see Just what m>Im> can be m>Im>’m gettm>im>ng stronger Sometm>im>mes m>Im> feel so down and out Lm>im>ke emotm>im>on that’s been captured m>im>n a maze m>Im> had my ups and downs Trm>im>al...

    Sugababes Angels Wm>im>th Dm>im>rty Faces
  • The Greatest Man That Ever Lm>im>ved

    ...And m>Im> got the fame You got the hots To rm>im>de on my plane You gm>im>vm>im>n’ me all That m>Im> desm>im>re ’Cos down wm>im>th me m>Im>’m takm>im>ng you hm>im>gher m>Im>’m the baddest of the bad m>Im>’m the best that you’ve ever had m>Im>’m the tops, m>Im>’m the km>im>ng All the gm>im>rls get up when m>Im> sm>im>ng, yeah m>Im>’m the meanes...

    Weezer Weezer (Red Album)

    ...reat the brand new year yes honey gm>im>ve me that km>im>ss you should m>im>’ll make all the angels sm>im>ng m>im>f m>im> could cause no matter how we’ve already got what we lm>im>vm>im>ng for yes honey the darkest hour m>im>s gonne and we stm>im>ll have our hope and fun we can sm>im>ng those wonderful songs and stm>im>ll be so strong m>im> feel ...

    王威 王威
  • Crym>im>n For The Queen

    ...got shm>im>t on me Am>im>n’t got shm>im>t on NYC Got nothm>im>ng on thm>im>s cm>im>ty Save all that crym>im>ng for the queen Go back to the motherland Have your mama hold you hand m>Im>f you eat your eggs wm>im>th runadm>im>nes (?) Save all that crym>im>ng for the queen Judgm>im>ng your behavm>im>or and your junkm>im>e routm>im>ne m>Im>t’s ...

    Lm>im>ttle Jackm>im>e The Stoop
  • Player

    ...ookm>im>ng km>im>nd of sexy, what you gom>im>ng to say NY to LA, Bem>im>jeng, Shangham>im>, all through the bay M-O to the double B, takm>im>n over thm>im>s~~ wm>im>th the melody once agam>im>n say M - m>Im> - N to the A, she`ll be back agam>im>n, go tell a frm>im>end * Verse A 荤尔篮 坷流 窍唱扼绊 措眉 割 疙俊霸唱 富...

    Mm>im>na(米娜) 夜艳
  • Lonely Gm>im>rl

    ...ould tell you m>Im> wm>im>sh that m>Im> could tell you m>Im> wm>im>sh that m>Im> could tell you All the thm>im>ngs that you do Come back cause m>Im>’m gonna be a lonely gm>im>rl agam>im>n Come back cause m>Im>’m gonna be a lonely gm>im>rl Come back cause m>Im>’m gonna be a lonely gm>im>rl agam>im>n Come back cause m>Im>’m gonna be a lonely gm>im>rl ...

    Oceanlab Sm>im>rens of the Sea
  • Change(Feat.PattyCakes)

    ...m>im>ng you,m>im>s the last thm>im>ng that m>Im> wanna do You sam>im>d goodbye,when all m>Im> dm>im>d was try Told me to leave,and now m>Im> ’m on my knees Beggm>im>ng please (Stay wm>im>th me) Looked m>im>n your eyes when m>Im> told you lm>im>es m>Im> held your hand tm>im>l the bm>im>tter end And m>Im> ’m tellm>im>ng ...

    Y Lam YL-P Presents: The Complete Collectm>im>on 2008-2010
  • Champagne From A Paper Cup

    ... mouth kept shut under lock and key That’s rusted fm>im>rm, no lm>im>e Because all these conversatm>im>ons wm>im>nd On and on On and on On and on Drm>im>nkm>im>ng champagne from a paper cup m>Im>s never qum>im>te the same And every sm>im>p’s movm>im>ng through my eyes And up m>im>nto my bram>im>n At half past two, about tm>im>me to le...

    Death Cab for Cutm>im>e Somethm>im>ng About Am>im>rplanes
  • Permanent

    ...ge even m>im>f m>im> tell you m>im> won`t go away today Wm>im>ll you thm>im>nk that you`re all alone When no one`s there to hold your hand? And all you know seems so far away and everythm>im>ng m>im>s temporary rest your head m>Im>`m permanent m>Im> know he`s lm>im>vm>im>ng m>im>n hell every sm>im>ngle day And so m>im> ask oh god m>im>s the...

    Davm>im>d Cook Davm>im>d Cook
  • m>Im> Do

    ... me A lm>im>fetm>im>me lovm>im>ng you And m>im>f you ask wm>im>ll m>Im> be true Do m>Im> gm>im>ve my all to you Then m>Im> wm>im>ll say m>Im> do m>Im>’m ready to begm>im>n thm>im>s journey Well m>Im>’m wm>im>th you wm>im>th every step you take And we’ve got a whole lm>im>fetm>im>me to share And m>Im>’ll always be there Darlm>im>ng thm>im>s m>Im> swear So ple...

    Westlm>im>fe Back Home
