找到 王杰 忘记你不如 自己 相关歌词18首
清醒眼睛 明辨看过每一件事情 这是一把 铿锵叫声 说出当天的信念 艰险的世情 哪怕再经百万年 曾为爱洒撒过热血 曾经一哭千夫应 全为了共同心底呼声 曾预计终会获胜 可惜呼天天不应 同伴既别离 生死未明 偏偏不信成败得失...
王杰 忘记你不如忘记自己 -
作曲 : 陈志远 作词 : 陈乐融 从来没有这样过 翻来覆去想不透 两条岔路怎么会交错 想你千次都不够 更多的话在心中 对你的爱却不能说出口 命运捉弄我 誓言挑动我 这个难题教我如何选择 想也没有用 恨也没有用 把自己放...
王杰 忘记你不如忘记自己 -
沉重的脚步 要踏上寂寞的路 疲倦的双眼 看不透阴晴圆缺 不能说出的梦 在暗夜中倾吐 风中闪躲的爱 又有谁能明白 强要忍着泪 沉默为你祝福 迷朦的前途 不知通往何处 是否我该习惯 拥有你给我的一片空白 我已经没有爱 ...
王杰 忘记你不如忘记自己 -
悲莫悲过人生短相思长 爱莫爱过相逢真已老 挥长剑无奈斩断情丝今生最恨 怨有情人长别离 愁莫愁过秋雨落花飘零 痛莫痛过多情似无情 肠寸断不知酒醒何处今生无悔 叹我心悠悠谁人来怜 来生再续缘与你共缠绵 生生世世相爱岁...
王杰 忘记你不如忘记自己 -
Sealed With A Kiss
Tho we gonna say goodbye for the summer darling I promise you this I'll send you all my love everyday in a letter sealed with kiss Yes it's gonna be a cold lonely summer But I'll fill the emptiness I'll send you all my dreams(love) Everyday in a letter sealed with a kiss I'll see you in the sunl...
王杰 忘记你不如忘记自己 -
The road is long With many a winding turn That leads us to who knows where Who knows when But I'm strong Strong enough to carry him He ain't heavy, he's my brother. So on we go His welfare is of my concern No burden is he to bear We'll get there For I know He would not encumber me If I'm laden at ...
王杰 忘记你不如忘记自己 -
He Ain’t Heavy He's My Brother
Edit by 3rdfang The road is long With many a winding turn That leads us to who knows where Who knows when But I'm strong Strong enough to carry him He ain't heavy, he's my brother. So on we go His welfare is of my concern No burden is he to bear We'll get there For I kno...
王杰 忘记你不如忘记自己 -
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother
Edit by 3rdfang The road is long With many a winding turn That leads us to who knows where Who knows when But I'm strong Strong enough to carry him He ain't heavy, he's my brother. So on we go His welfare is of my concern No burden is he to bear We'll get there For I kno...
王杰 忘记你不如忘记自己