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Dress Up
m>I m>n You...brows for the crowd Get on the a
Belle and Sebastm>i m>rplane You gm>i m>ve me stomach pam>i m>nm>I m> wm>i m>sh that you were here We would have had a lot to talk about We had a deal there We nearly sm>i m>gnedm>i m>t wm>i m>th our blood… An understandm>i m>ngm>I m> thought that you would keep your wordm>I m>’m dm>i m>sappom>i m>ntedm>I m>’m aggravatedm>I m>t’s ...m>i m>an The Lm>i m>fe Pursum>i m>t -
What's Up?
...日子QQ:87933437125 years of my l
刘雅婷 中国好声音第二季 张惠妹组四进一m>i m>fe and stm>i m>ll.m>I m>'m trym>i m>ng to get up that great bm>i m>g hm>i m>ll of hope.For a destm>i m>natm>i m>on.m>I m> realm>i m>zed qum>i m>ckly whenm>I m> knewm>I m> should.That the world was made up of thm>i m>s brotherhood of man.For whatever that means.Som>I m> cry sometm>i m>mes whenm>I m>'m lym>i m>ngm>i m>n bed.To getm>i m>t all out wh... -
...行 喋ったらアウト! アタシ 声でバレちゃうのよ... That's the way
BoAm>I m>'m gonna do Sneaky Sneaky ネコラブ B.O.A ねぇ バレたらどうしよう... That's rm>i m>ghtm>I m>'m scary cat だって しょうがないじゃない B.O.Am>i m>sm>i m>n ネコラブ B.O.A People know ...m>I m>DENTm>I m>TY -
The P
m>i m>lgrm>i m>m...
Soler X2m>I m> wouldn\'t dare exaggerate The serm>i m>ousness of my own fatem>I m>t would seem thatm>I m> have lost All the battles thatm>I m> have fought Do forgm>i m>ve mem>I m> am thm>i m>rsty for the truth and love and wm>i m>ne Andm>I m> promm>i m>se thatm>I m> won\'t waste your tm>i m>mem>I m>\'m grateful for your gentle words They\'re the deepest thatm>I m>\'ve ... -
m>I m> saw you walkm>i m>ngm>i m>n the ram>i m>n... crashes aga
其它男歌手 dj舞曲m>i m>nst my wm>i m>ndow pane. Jumpdem>i m>nto my car dm>i m>dn't drm>i m>ve too far that momentm>I m> knewm>I m> would never be the same.m>I m> saw you walkm>i m>ngm>i m>n the ram>i m>n You were holdm>i m>ng hands andm>I m> wm>i m>ll never be the samem>I m> saw you walkm>i m>ngm>i m>n the ram>i m>n You were holdm>i m>ng hands andm>I m> wm>i m>ll never be the same Now... -
Uptown G
m>i m>rl (Lm>i m>ve) - lm>i m>ve... w
陈奕迅 拉阔压轴m>i m>th hot blood can and now she ′s lookm>i m>ng for a downtown man that ′s whatm>i m> am and when she knows what she wants from her tm>i m>me and when she wakes up and makes up her mm>i m>nd she ′ll seem>i m> ′m not so tough just becausem>i m> ′mm>i m>n love wm>i m>th an uptown gm>i m>rl ... -
No More feat Breeze
... call
Wm>i m>ng u back. have a pleasent day. Pm>i m>ck up the phone gm>i m>rl,m>i m> know that u home please don''t leave me all alone wm>i m>th the sound of thm>i m>s tone. come on pm>i m>ck up, pm>i m>ck up, pm>i m>ckm>i m>t up, pm>i m>ckm>i m>t up, pm>i m>ckm>i m>t upm>i m> knowm>i m> don''t deservem>i m>t cuz of howm>i m> messed up but alrm>i m>ght cool, sm>i m>t and lm>i m>sten...m>i m>ll Smm>i m>th Wm>i m>llennm>i m>um -
m>i m>ng...ck to the s
Hey Monday Hold On Tm>i m>dewalk where we met And carved out our names Do you remember that?m>I m>’m comm>i m>ng home,m>I m>’m comm>i m>ng home Dm>i m>d you take off whm>i m>lem>I m> was gone?m>I m> mm>i m>ssedm>i m>t all,m>I m> messed you up,m>I m> mm>i m>ssed youm>I m>’m comm>i m>ng home,m>I m> wanna know When all the leaves begm>i m>n to fallm>I m>fm>I m>’m fallm>i m>ng, fallm>i m>ng ap...m>i m>ght -
m>i m>ght...my pa
Rush of Fools Wonder Of The Worldm>i m>n And You offer good whenm>I m>’ve nonem>i m>n me You’re the only love that makes me complete You draw me closer than the am>i m>r You wm>i m>pe away all my despam>i m>r tonm>i m>ght You pull me out to where You are Untm>i m>lm>I m>’m drownm>i m>ngm>i m>n Your love tonm>i m>ghtm>I m>’m only drownm>i m>ngm>i m>n Your love Make me comple... -
Not Out
...’m not out, oh,
Greg Laswell Three Flm>I m>’m not out Wm>i m>shm>I m> could pull you down today, From that storm hm>i m>gh up that’s takm>i m>ng you away What would you say to me? What would you say to me? Andm>i m>f the breeze blows me downm>I m>’ll take my tm>i m>me to come around, Butm>I m>’m not out, oh,m>I m>’m not out Andm>I m>’m sure...m>i m>ghts From Alto Nm>i m>do