找到 i m going to 相关歌词500首

  • My Fortress

    ... place where m>Im> can rest my weary feet There’s no other place that m>Im> can go so m>Im>’m wam>im>tm>im>ng here now m>Im>’m lettm>im>ng go what the world wm>im>ll brm>im>ng a sanctuary that wm>im>ll never breathe m>Im> found my heart m>im>n that place before but m>Im>’ll never go back m>Im>’m runnm>im>ng fast to seek your face Head fm>im>rst...

    Jeremy Camp Speakm>im>ng Louder Than Before
  • Km>im>ng Of Sorrow

    ... just a day that brm>im>ngs m>im>t all about Just another day and nothm>im>ng’s any good The DJ’s playm>im>ng the same song m>Im> have so much to do m>Im> have to carry on m>Im> wonder m>im>f thm>im>s grm>im>ef wm>im>ll ever let me go m>Im> feel lm>im>ke m>Im> am the km>im>ng of sorrow, yeah The km>im>ng of sorrow m>Im> suppose m>Im> could just walk away Wm>im>...

    Sade Lovers Rock
  • Borm>im>ng Love

    ...y m>Im>’m smokm>im>ng a bm>im>t too much Just thm>im>nkm>im>ng about my borm>im>ng love We never go partym>im>ng, we never stay up late Water soup m>im>s just about the best that she could make Her ham>im>r lm>im>ves m>im>n cureless, she’s just one you love so hate You can’t blame me m>im>f m>Im> have to say….. m>Im> just don’t have the pat...

    林子祥 Lessons
  • DUm>Im>

    ...And m>Im>’m so m>im>ntoxm>im>catedm>Im> can’t come over my wm>im>nnm>im>ngWhen you need me you got….Your hands on mm>im>nem>Im> got my hands on the whm>im>p and the otherm>Im>’m drm>im>vm>im>ng my passm>im>onm>Im>’m more than a free rm>im>dem>Im> can’t concentrate onGrow losm>im>ng all control.All because m>Im>’m drm>im>vm>im>ng underThe m>im>nfluence of your loveDUm>Im>,...

    Cm>im>ara Cm>im>ara
  • Pray For You

    ... m>Im> haven't been to church sm>im>nce m>Im> don't remember when Thm>im>ngs were gom>im>ng great untm>im>l they fell apart agam>im>n So m>Im> lm>im>stened to the preacher as he told me what to do He sam>im>d you can't go hatm>im>ng others who have done wrong to you Sometm>im>mes we get angry, but we must not condemn Let th...

  • TKO

    ...oo-coochm>im>e-coochm>im>e-cooLm>im>ghts out, TKOBaby, everyday m>im>n tram>im>nm>im>ng to get the goldThat’s why your body’s crazyBut you can’t run from yourself,that’s where m>im>t’s dm>im>ffm>im>cultGm>im>rl m>Im> can see m>im>n your eyesthat there’s somethm>im>ng m>im>nsm>im>dethat made you evm>im>lWhere dm>im>d you go, ’cause m>im>t just am>im>n’t fam>im>rO...

    Justm>im>n Tm>im>mberlake TKO
  • Bang m>Im>t Up

    ... get to know me m>Im>’m ready to have fun-lets bang the thm>im>ng up But you gotta be prepared to get your wem>im>ght up See m>Im>’m at the tram>im>n sm>im>nce m>Im> came up m>Im>n the ATL m>im>s where m>im>t came from Bang m>im>t up boy gon’ bang m>im>t up m>Im>’m full grown you can go tear m>im>t up (bang m>im>t up) Bang m>im>t up boy gon...

    Cm>im>ara The Evolutm>im>on
  • Be Wm>im>th You

    ...同 That’s why we'll break through And m>Im> don’t care what they say m>Im>'m gonna be wm>im>th you m>Im>'m gonna be wm>im>th you m>Im>'m gonna be wm>im>th you 我不在乎怎么做 m>Im>’m gonna be wm>im>th you m>Im>’m gonna be wm>im>th you m>Im>’m gonna be wm>im>th you Seems lm>im>ke every day that go by thm>im>ngs are gettm>im>ng' harder Want to b...

    潘玮柏 零零七
  • Stm>im>ll Here

    ... Sometm>im>mes m>Im> wanna leave m>Im> thm>im>nk of gm>im>vm>im>ng up on us m>Im> say m>Im>’m lettm>im>ng go But when m>Im> do, you call My love And even though you say m>im>t’s not true You lm>im>ke to keep me round and round m>im>n cm>im>rcle But m>Im> wouldn’t want m>im>t any other way Coz m>Im>’m stm>im>ll here To walk through your fm>im>res When ...

    Westlm>im>fe The Love Album (Deluxe Edm>im>tm>im>on)
  • m>Im>’m Wm>im>th You

    ... a place Searchm>im>ng for a face m>Im>s anybody here m>Im> know Cause nothm>im>ng's gom>im>ng rm>im>ght And everythm>im>ng's a mess And no one lm>im>kes to be alone Oh why m>im>s everythm>im>ng so confusm>im>ng Maybe m>Im>'m just out of my mm>im>nd Yea yea yea ... Take me by the hand Take me somewhere new m>Im> don't know who you ar...

    Avrm>im>l Lavm>im>gne Let Go
