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Be W
m>i m>th You...onna hold
Akon Freedomm>i m>t down, cant no body tell her nothm>i m>n You got the km>i m>nd of lovem>that m> always make a ???? fussm>i m>n Andm>that m>’s what gets me closer to you And no one knows Whym>I m>’mm>i m>nto you Cause you'll never know whatm>i m>ts lm>i m>ke to walkm>i m>n our shoes And no one know, the thm>i m>ngs we've been through ... -
Trust You
Brandon Heath Whatm>i m>ng what to saym>I m> can’t love wm>i m>thout any hesm>i m>tatm>i m>on ‘causem>I m> knowm>that m> you don’t workm>that m> waym>I m> can’t reach wm>i m>thout somethm>i m>ng to offerm>I m> can’t come now,m>I m> am so ashamedm>I m> can’t hold out for you any longer ‘causem>I m> knowm>that m> you don’t workm>that m> waym>I m>’m not gonna fm>i m>ght y...m>I m>f We -
Cold Dark World
...watch l
Weezer Weezer (Red Album)m>i m>ttle gm>i m>rl from the back of my carm>I m> see you and show at the placem>that m> you are Grocerm>i m>es spm>i m>llm>i m>n' up out of your bag Thm>i m>nkm>i m>n’ you’ll end up a pennm>i m>less hag Butm>I m> see the gm>i m>rlm>that m> you are deepm>i m>nsm>i m>de Won’t youm>all m>ow me to gm>i m>ve you a rm>i m>dem>I m> can console you and gm>i m>ve you km>i m>ss Sho... -
m>All m> On Me ft. Blow Fever...nd they tell
Al Roccom>i m>ng me to stop Butm>i m> cant stop andm>i m> won’t stopm>i m> won't Onm>that m> jack ma gettm>i m>ng paper but you know And we workm>i m>ng and we workm>i m>ng and we workm>i m>ng now And we murkm>i m>ng and we murkm>i m>ng and we getm>i m>t down Cause everythm>i m>ngm>i m> dom>i m> do for famm>i m>ly Andm>I m> am>i m>n't got the tm>i m>me to waste my energy ... -
Can You Hear Me (Moto Blanco Rad
m>i m>o Edm>i m>t)...the way DJ let
Enrm>i m>t play. Hey Hey Can You Hear Me? Oooowm>I m> rememberm>that m>m>I m> can stm>i m>ll feel you Sometm>i m>mesm>I m>’m blm>i m>nd butm>I m> see you You are here but so far away The tm>i m>mes when you wanna..m>I m>m mm>i m>ssm>i m>ng you Makes me feel lm>i m>kem>I m>’m spm>i m>nnm>i m>ng Sometm>i m>mes you get what you gam>i m>nm>I m>’m on a...m>i m>quem>I m>glesm>i m>as Can You Hear Me[08年欧洲杯官方主题曲 -
m>i m>on(动画电影花木兰主题歌)...
Chrm>I m>fm>I m> wear a maskm>I m> can fool the world Butm>i m> cannot fool my heart Whom>i m>sm>that m> gm>i m>rlm>I m> see Starm>i m>ng stram>i m>ght back at me? When wm>i m>ll my reflectm>i m>on show Whom>I m> amm>i m>nsm>i m>de?m>I m> am nowm>i m>n a world wherem>I m> have to hm>i m>de my heart And whatm>I m> belm>i m>evem>i m>n But somehowm>I m> wm>i m>ll show the world What’sm>i m>nsm>i m>de my he...m>i m>stm>i m>na Agum>i m>lera -
My Fortress
...nt of me A place where
Jeremy Camp Speakm>I m> can rest my weary feet There’s no other placem>that m>m>I m> can go som>I m>’m wam>i m>tm>i m>ng here nowm>I m>’m lettm>i m>ng go what the world wm>i m>ll brm>i m>ng a sanctuarym>that m> wm>i m>ll never breathem>I m> found my heartm>i m>nm>that m> place before butm>I m>’ll never go backm>I m>’m runnm>i m>ng fast to seek your face ...m>i m>ng Louder Than Before -
m>i m>va...ute, and
Beyoncem>I m>’ll be rm>i m>ght back Fm>i m>fty mm>i m>llm>i m>on round the world and they sam>i m>dm>that m>m>I m> couldn’t getm>i m>tm>I m> done got so sm>i m>ck and fm>i m>lthy wm>i m>th benj’sm>I m> cant spend How you gone be talkm>i m>n shm>i m>t? You act lm>i m>kem>I m> just got upm>i m>nm>i m>t Been the number one dm>i m>vam>i m>n thm>i m>s game for a mm>i m>nutem>I m> know you read the paper...m>I m> Am...Sasha Fm>i m>erce -
m>i m>va...ute, and
Beyoncem>I m>’ll be rm>i m>ght back Fm>i m>fty mm>i m>llm>i m>on round the world and they sam>i m>dm>that m>m>I m> couldn’t getm>i m>tm>I m> done got so sm>i m>ck and fm>i m>lthy wm>i m>th benj’sm>I m> cant spend How you gone be talkm>i m>n shm>i m>t? You act lm>i m>kem>I m> just got upm>i m>nm>i m>t Been the number one dm>i m>vam>i m>n thm>i m>s game for a mm>i m>nutem>I m> know you read the paper...m>I m> Am...Sasha Fm>i m>erce -
m>i m>ght...h
Westlm>I m> mm>i m>ss you Andm>I m> mm>i m>ss you so Shane:m>I m> don''t wanna act lm>i m>kem>I m> knowm>that m> you''d be mm>i m>ne forever Thoughm>I m> hopem>i m>t''s forever Don''t want you to feel lm>i m>kem>I m> take you for granted Whenever we are together So put your best dress on And wrap yourselfm>i m>n the arms of someone Who wants to gm>i m>v...m>i m>fe Greatest Hm>i m>ts