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Treat Me Right
... why you
Backm>s m>ay that you want me When all you ever do girl Im>s m> pum>s m>h on my butm>to m>nm>s m> You alwaym>s m> bring me down In public When nobody’m>s m> aroundm>To m>m>s m>ay that you love me Make mem>s m>ay oh, no Im>s m>ee you all alone I’m half way out the door Unlem>s m>m>s m> you turn around And treat me right Brian:Oh, you got...m>s m>treet Boym>s m> Unbreakable -
m>s m>ideThird Day - Other
Third Day Revelationm>s m>ide I’ve beenm>s m>itting here for waym>to m>o long It’m>s m> time that I wam>s m> moving on I know that there’m>s m> a better way I think I’m goingm>to m> make a changem>S m>o come along nowm>to m> where I’m going Take mem>to m> the otherm>s m>ide ‘Caum>s m>e I needm>s m>omething better Take mem>to m> th... -
Big Bad World
...ad World - Kodaline.Maybe I’m wrongOr maybe I’m rightMaybe it’
Kodaline In a Perfect Worldm>s m> jum>s m>tm>to m>o latebut thim>s m> im>s m> keeping me awake all night.Maybem>s m>ay yem>s m> or maybem>s m>ay noMaybe I’m jum>s m>tm>to m>om>s m>hym>to m> admit that it im>s m> timem>to m> go..We go out on our ownIt’m>s m> a big bad world outm>s m>ideCarrying’ our dreamm>s m> and all that they m... -
Wait And
m>S m>ee...lrcgc.com 卜超 制作 I wa
Brandon Heath What If Wem>s m> born in Tennem>s m>m>s m>ee late July humidity docm>to m>rm>s m>m>s m>aid I wam>s m> luckym>to m> be alive I’ve Been troubledm>s m>ince the day that I got here troubledm>to m> the day I dim>s m>appear That’ll be the day that I finally get it right There im>s m> hope, for me yet becaum>s m>e God won’t forge... -
m>s m>m>s m>...tionle
Good Charlottem>s m>m>s m> [-999:00.00]LRC:猪鼻插葱www.lrcgc.com hey dad i′m writingm>to m> you notm>to m> tell you, that im>s m>till hate you jum>s m>tm>to m> am>s m>k you how you feel and how we fell apart how thim>s m> fell apart are you happy out there in thim>s m> great wide world? do you think about yourm>s m>onm>s m>? do you mim>s m>m>s m> your lit... -
Play the Guitar
...) play the guitar Well it’
B.O.B Play the Guitarm>s m> B.o.B., flyer than am>s m>tewardem>s m>m>s m> Frem>s m>hm>to m> death like I’m drem>s m>m>s m>ed for a eulogy My outfit’m>s m> retarded, my flow im>s m> them>s m>tupidem>s m>t, dumb I’ll probably needm>to m> afterm>s m>chool tum>to m>r it Balling on beatm>s m> got hopm>s m> like breweriem>s m>m>S m>ideline haterm>s m> needm>to m> ch... -
When I'm Gone
m>S m>ingle)m>S m>imple Plan-When I' m gone I look around me But all Im>s m>eemm>to m>m>s m>ee Itm>s m> people going nowhere Expectingm>s m>ympathy It'm>s m> like we' re going through the emotionm>s m> Of them>s m>cripted dem>s m>tiny Tell me where'm>s m> our inm>s m>piration If life won' t wait I guem>s m>m>s m> it'm>s m> upm>to m> me Whoahh No we' re...m>S m>imple Plan When I'm Gone (CDm>S m>ingle) -
...千寻 www.lrcgc.com Fate - 欲望之箭
欲望之箭 Fatem>S m>o I’m here, on my own Readym>to m> become a champion On am>s m>tage without them>s m>potlightm>s m> on I won’t be beaten by anyone Hey!m>S m>m>to m>p the old nagging now Even when you’re feeling down Might am>s m> well keep on going on In orderm>to m> underm>s m>tand what it’m>s m> all abo... -
Nothing You Can
m>S m>ay...ng You Can
m>S m>ay -m>S m>am HookLeft my mind at home lam>s m>t night when I cheatedYoum>to m>ok my heart when you left me herem>S m>tanding alone on what feelm>s m> like a..Heard your tearm>s m> when theym>to m>uched downAnd while the piecem>s m> of my puzzle wam>s m>h awayI heard youm>s m>ay goodbye!Oh,m>s m>o are you readym>to m> go, now?I’m not ready...m>S m>am Hook 2011年10月欧美新歌速递 -
Tired of Running (feat. Akon)
... in they patrol car
m>s m>m>S m>o tell me why I feel like the enemyThey’rem>s m>uppom>s m>edm>to m> be here protectin meI might have wentm>to m>o farHelpin’m>to m> contributem>to m> makin their job hardm>S m>ervin’ fiendm>s m> like them>s m>e people ain’t no kinm>to m> meI can’t believe I’m out here killin my communityIf you knew how far I c...m>S m>noop Lion Reincarnated (Deluxe Verm>s m>ion)