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You Know
m>I m>’m No Good...ta
Jess Kellner 2013 Aprm>i m>rsm>i m>n bed, wm>i m>th my ex boy,He'sm>i m>n a place, butm>I m> can't get joy,Thm>i m>nkm>i m>ng on youm>i m>n the fm>i m>nal throes,Thm>i m>sm>i m>s when my buzzer goes,Run out to meet you, chm>i m>ps and pm>i m>tta,You say 'when we marrm>i m>ed",'cause you're not bm>i m>tter,"There'll be none of hm>i m>m no more,"m>I m> crm>i m>ed for you on the km>i m>tchen floor,m>I m> cheated m...m>i m>l 16: Battle Rounds, -
m>i m>ng On A Jet Plane... s early morn
区瑞强 经典民歌全辑2m>i m>ng The taxm>i m> s wam>i m>tm>i m>ng he s blowm>i m>ng hm>i m>s horn Alreadym>I m> m so lonesomem>I m> could dm>i m>e So km>i m>ss me and smm>i m>le for me Tell me that you ll wam>i m>t for me hold me lm>i m>ke you ll never let me go Causem>I m> m leavm>i m>ng on a jet plane Don t know whenm>I m> ll be back agam>i m>n Oh babym>I m> hate to go There s so many tm>i m>... -
m>I m>’m on my tm>i m>me wm>i m>th everyonem>I m> have very bad posture Sm>i m>t and drm>i m>nk Pennyroyal Tea Dm>i m>stm>i m>ll the lm>i m>fe that’sm>i m>nsm>i m>de of me Sm>i m>t and drm>i m>nk Pennyroyal Team>I m>’m anemm>i m>c royalty Gm>i m>ve me a Leonard Cohen afterworld Som>I m> can sm>i m>gh eternallym>I m>’m so tm>i m>redm>I m> can’t sleepm>I m>’m anemm>i m>c royalty ...m>i m>rvana -
鲍比达 夜半歌声 电影原声大碟m>i m>t no 40-40, fm>i m>tm>i m>n all of my clothesm>I m> love the hustle, but trust no one,m>I m>’m countm>i m>n all of my doughm>I m>magm>i m>ne cm>i m>ty, stacks of 20’s, thenm>i m>t’s allm>I m> throw You better now what that be cuz they all my folkm>I m> do a party, hundred G to the mallm>I m> go Thm>i m>s slow flow bought the full flow Mentm>i m>on ... -
m>i m>ngm>i m>ngm>i m>n the Ram>i m>n...
熊汝霖 爵士熊 汝霖m>i m>n my heart Andm>I m>′m ready for love. Let the stormy clouds chase. Everyone from the place' Come on wm>i m>th the ram>i m>nm>I m> have a smm>i m>le on my face.m>I m>′ll walk down the lane Wm>i m>th a happy refram>i m>n Just sm>i m>ngm>i m>n' sm>i m>ngm>i m>nm>i m>n the ram>i m>n. Let the stormy clouds chase. Everyone from the place' Come on wm>i m>th the... -
Love Warr
m>i m>o...om my feet
尚雯婕 战m>I m>’m walkm>i m>ng and walkm>i m>ngm>I m>’m a warrm>i m>or for your love Moon lm>i m>ght spread on my shoulder Bloodm>i m>s rushm>i m>ng through my vem>i m>ns Lead me to the skym>I m>’m not afram>i m>d to dm>i m>e Thm>i m>sm>i m>s lm>i m>ke a testm>I m>’m not that km>i m>nd of gm>i m>rl What do you thm>i m>nk of me Thm>i m>s questm>i m>on’s en... -
m>i m> m only sleepm>i m>ng...
Beatlesm>i m>ddle of a dream Staym>i m>n bed, float up stream (float up stream) Please, don't wake me, no, don't shake me Leave me wherem>I m> am -m>I m>'m only sleepm>i m>ng Everybody seems to thm>i m>nkm>I m>'m lazym>I m> don't mm>i m>nd,m>I m> thm>i m>nk they're crazy Runnm>i m>ng everywhere at such a speed Tm>i m>ll they fm>i m>nd there's no need (there's no... -
Open Road
Chrm>I m> know what you weaknessm>i m>s And you feel so great And now you’re on an open road So gone, not lookm>i m>ng backm>I m> thoughtm>I m> had you on a leash Lm>i m>kem>I m> could do whateverm>I m> wanted to whenm>I m> wanted to And you was gonna wam>i m>t for me baby And now the tables have turned And nowm>I m> ...m>i m>s Brown 2011年7月欧美新歌速递 -
Champagne From A Paper Cup
... shut under lock and key That’s rusted f
Death Cab for Cutm>i m>rm, no lm>i m>e Because all these conversatm>i m>ons wm>i m>nd On and on On and on On and on Drm>i m>nkm>i m>ng champagne from a paper cupm>I m>s never qum>i m>te the same And every sm>i m>p’s movm>i m>ng through my eyes And upm>i m>nto my bram>i m>n At half past two, about tm>i m>me to leave Becaus...m>i m>e Somethm>i m>ng About Am>i m>rplanes -
Love warr
m>i m>or 战... up from my feet
尚雯婕 wm>I m>’m walkm>i m>ng and walkm>i m>ngm>I m>’m a warrm>i m>or for your love Moon lm>i m>ght spread on my shoulder Bloodm>i m>s rushm>i m>ng through my vem>i m>ns Lead me to the skym>I m>’m not afram>i m>d to dm>i m>e Thm>i m>sm>i m>s lm>i m>ke a testm>I m>’m not that km>i m>nd of gm>i m>rl What do you thm>i m>nk of me Thm>i m>s questm>i m>on’s enemym>I m>t’s lm>i m>ke an enemy...m>i m>n 赢