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m>I m>ON... 目配せ 期待したい 社交辞令も おざなり!? Tell me... what the hell
嵐 LOVEm>i m>s gom>i m>ng on? Yeah! She loves me but 全ては消え何処m>I m>’m a love fool (チャンス待ってSlowdown, baby)m>I m>’m a love fool (Can’t stopm>i m>t!m>I m> just can’t stopm>i m>t!) 完全にきいてんなm>I m>’m sorry あ... -
m>i m>nst The WorldTake my hands The bleed
八三夭 迷惑时代m>i m>ng heart wm>i m>ll never stop us to move on Please don ’t wam>i m>tm>I m>t ’s not suppose to be regret we ’ll all dm>i m>e young Make the cutm>I m>t makes mem>i m>nsane out of control!m>I m> ’m self-dm>i m>structm>i m>on Taste the pam>i m>nm>I m> ’m not afram>i m>d to bleed cause ... -
m>i m>vm>i m>ng To Love You...Naughty But N
Sarah Connor Naughty But Nm>i m>ce All we had was just one summer Two lovers strollm>i m>ngm>i m>n the park But lm>i m>ke they say the world keeps turnm>i m>ng As the leaves would’ve fallen we should fall apart Nowm>I m>’m wam>i m>tm>i m>ng for the wm>i m>nter To bum>i m>ld my castle out ofm>i m>ce And deepm>i m>nsm>i m>dem>i m>s massm>i m>ve bum>i m>ldm>i m>ng There’s a ...m>i m>ce -
m>i m>ngm>i m>ng Hallelujah...m 卜超 制作 Every day you greet me And every day
Joel Auge On The Bluem>I m> see you But the sparklem>i m>n my eye for you has waned Pm>i m>ckm>i m>ng up old melodm>i m>es Of songs from my old memorm>i m>es Trym>i m>ng hard to keep the sparkle warm Butm>I m>’m sm>i m>ngm>i m>ng hallelujahm>I m>’m sm>i m>ngm>i m>ng hallelujahm>I m>’m stm>i m>ll sm>i m>ngm>i m>ng hallel... -
m>I m>t Agam>i m>nm>I m> wanna know who ever told youm>I m> was lettm>i m>ng go of the only joy thatm>I m> have ever known gm>i m>rl they were lym>i m>ng just look around and all of the people that we used to know have just gm>i m>ven up they wanna letm>i m>t go but we’re stm>i m>ll trym>i m>ng so you should know thm>i m>s love we share was never made ...m>i m>fe Westlm>i m>fe -
m>I m>’m Back(Rapfeat.f(x)Amber)...笑着 感受着那些闭上眼听见的呐喊
唐禹哲 开往明天的旅行m>I m> saym>I m>’m back. control the musm>i m>c now 作用力 压抑着脉搏 上一秒忽略我 下一秒你就懂 进化后的我细胞正在跳动m>I m>'m Back wm>i m>th a Master Plan 4 actm>i m>on, Cham>i m>n reactm>i m>on of the sonm>i m>c devastatm>i m>on DJ drop and we don't stop (stop!) M... -
San Franc
m>i m>sco...vy pea coat And an old Mercedes Benz Th
Brett Dennen Hope For The Hopelessm>i m>s old townm>i m>t keeps shrm>i m>nkm>i m>ng There’s too many peoplem>i m>n my junkm>I m>’m gonna do a lot of drm>i m>nkm>i m>ng Causem>i m>t don’t hurt whenm>I m>’m drunkm>I m>’m gonna rent me an old Vm>i m>ctorm>i m>an Downm>i m>n the Lower Ham>i m>ghtm>I m>’m gonna fm>i m>nd me an old accordm>i m>on Play for ... -
Blue Gangsta
...t no fr
Mm>i m>end of mm>i m>ne Look what you’ve put me through Now thatm>I m>’m the Blue Gangster What you’re gonna do You am>i m>n’t no frm>i m>end of mm>i m>ne The Blue Gangster What you’re gonna do, causem>I m>’m gonna get you No way to run no way to hm>i m>de All the thm>i m>ngs you’ve sam>i m>d, e...m>i m>chael Jackson Unreleased -
m>i m>n' ApartThe All-Amer
The All-Amerm>i m>can Rejects - Fallm>i m>n' Apart lrc by buchao @ LK歌词组 Rock 分队 @ www.lrcgc.com @ Can somebody save me? Cusm>I m>’m thm>i m>nkm>i m>ng maybe That you can take me pm>i m>ece by pm>i m>ece Then you got your reasons Butm>I m> dm>i m>dn’t need them And em>i m>ther waym>I m>’m on my knees yeah ...m>i m>can Rejects When the World Comes Down -
m>I m>t's My Tm>i m>mem>I m>’ve been down, down so long But those days are gone nowm>I m>’ve got the wm>i m>ll,m>I m>’ve earned the rm>i m>ght To show youm>i m>t’s my tm>i m>me tonm>i m>ghtm>I m>t’s my tm>i m>me,m>i m>t’s my tm>i m>me My moment,m>I m>’m not gonna let go ofm>i m>t My tm>i m>me,m>i m>t’s my tm>i m>me Andm>I m>’ll stand proud There’s nothm>i m>ngm>I m>’m afram>i m>d ofm>I m>’ll ...m>I m>t's My Tm>i m>me