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Peace Of Mind
....com 卜超 制作 Get out of my head get out of my mind I'm
DecembeRadiom>s m>tartingm>to m> unwind Got a bitterm>s m>weetm>s m>mile that I'm tryingm>to m> hide And it’m>s m> killing me inm>s m>ide Tell me why Give me back mym>s m>anity I'm readym>to m> find My peace of mind, my peace of mind Help me, God, I'm readym>to m> find My peace...m>S m>atim>s m>fied -
Beautiful day
m>s m>...y you can clo
Virgom>s m>e your eyem>s m> and jum>s m>t imagine the world thatm>s m>hould be gay Im>s m>m>to m>od where I wam>s m> belongingm>to m> But I can`tm>s m>ee my facem>S m>o meander along the river Mum>s m>e the beautiful day If you are only lonely in the winter downhearted in thim>s m> way you can clom>s m>e your eyem>s m> and jum>s m>t imagine world the thatm>s m>hou...m>s m>室男社 VIRGOm>S m> -
m>S m>an Lucam>s m>m>To m>by Keith - Cabom>S m>an Lucam>s m> www.lrcgc.com 卜超 制作 Girl the lam>s m>t time youm>s m>aw me I wam>s m>n’t thim>s m> cool And I’m hangin’ out in Mexico down by the pool In Cabo, Cabom>S m>an Lucam>s m> If Im>s m>end you ticket would you fly in? I’dm>s m>ure likem>to m>m>s m>ee you, we could hook up again In Cab...m>To m>by Keith That Don't Make Me A Bad Guy -
夜艳 (Dakey'
m>s m> Hybrid Remix)...棱酒 呈客 抄 窍唱 登绰 芭具 Look at me 官肺咯扁 Li
Mina(米娜) 夜艳m>s m>tenm>to m> me baby baby 郴啊 瘤陛 勉阑 眠垒酒 唱甫 毫毫 Jum>s m>t you and mem>to m>night Dance with me 父练且抛聪 呈甫 困秦 霖厚秦柯 郴啊 啊柳 葛电 概仿阑 坷疵 焊咯临霸 弊犯霸 噶汲捞瘤 ... -
... burning in
THE RICECOOKERm>s m>ide outBreathing am>s m>hem>s m>,m>s m>uffocating nowRain thatm>s m>lowly amountm>s m>m>to m> painpiling up inm>s m>ide,m>s m>ee I can’tm>s m>ave you,I can’tm>s m>ave youaudioletter - THE RICECOOKERm>S m>m>S m>PEC ~结~ 映画主题曲BY:黄病病m>S m>lowly changing time,And now zephyr’m>s m> waitingpatiently for an endIm>s m>old mym>s m>oulm>to m> you and ...m>S m> parallax -
About Life
Julianne Hough Audio Daydreamm>s m>hould’ve been boyfriendm>s m> that ended in heartache But Im>s m>till trym>to m>m>s m>ee the brighterm>s m>ide What goem>s m> up don’t alwaym>s m> come back down What goem>s m> around don’t alwaym>s m> come around I’ve been down on my kneem>s m> beggin’ the lord The devil’m>s m> been knocking at my door I’ve been in the da... -
2 Different Tear
m>s m> (英文版)...ate you,
Wonder Girlm>s m>o I love youm>S m>o I hate you,m>s m>o I love you I’m tryingm>to m> figure out howm>to m> move on with my life Without you by mym>s m>ide Waking up with teary eyem>s m> I can’t do thim>s m> no more Gotta eram>s m>e you nowm>S m>o I think of all the pain you’ve given me Trym>to m> look at all the d...m>s m> 2 Different Tearm>s m> -
作曲 : M Hatta/
Facem>S m> Morimom>to m> 作词 : 潘伟源 蓝雅的天空 净洁的空气 推开窗扉有温暖溢人泻地 静静地坐着忆起了你 美好的思忆仿似落叶飞 梦里的天空 在远方的你 温馨追忆同风里荡来这地 如浮云荡漾是片片的思念 悠悠像万缕温...m>to m> Face Facem>To m> Face -
The Good Good (feat. Iza Lach)
m>s m> like them>s m>e are daym>s m> I loveRunnin round going nowhereGlad I getm>to m>m>s m>teal all your timem>S m>milin cuz I know that I’m the one that makem>s m> youm>s m>mileLove the way youm>s m>ay my nameAnd how you laugh at all them>s m>tupid thingm>s m> Im>s m>ayIt’m>s m> all lovin, no hateHangin with you while you're hangin hangin on...m>S m>noop Lion Reincarnated (Deluxe Verm>s m>ion) -
m>S m>peak Now...hen you're out of the back door Don't wait, or
Taylorm>s m>ay am>s m>ingle vow You needm>to m> hear me now And theym>s m>aidm>s m>peak now Fun gem>s m>turem>s m> are exchanged And the organm>s m>tartm>s m>m>to m> play am>s m>ong thatm>s m>oundm>s m> like a death march And I am hiding in the curtainm>s m> Itm>s m>eemm>s m> that I wam>s m> uninvited by your lovely bride-t...m>S m>wiftm>S m>peak Now (Deluxe Edition)