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  • m>Sm>ave the lam>sm>t dance

    m>Sm>ave the lam>sm>t dance」 作詞∶Maynard/Blaim>sm>e 作曲∶Maynard/Blaim>sm>e 歌∶MONKEY MAJIK Mum>sm>ic babe, im>sm> a dream where you jum>sm>t can’t wake up, or a nightmare where you wim>sm>h you could Another good thing about mum>sm>ic im>sm> that when it hitm>sm> you You feel no pain m>Sm>o jum>sm>t keep hitting me Furthermor...

  • 珍惜这份缘

    作曲 : E.K. ABBING/m>Sm>.M KLEMANN/M.C KLEMANN 作词 : 潘伟源 花一生终于遇见 急促呼吸中跟你心已牵 一息间天昏地暗 独剩下千千亿串星闪闪 眼波里闪 终于都终于遇见 终于终于都等到这一天 这一天 痴心经沧桑幻变 不知奔波中转过几...

    草蜢 Gram>sm>m>sm>hopper
  • Je Danm>sm>e Danm>sm> Ma Tete

    Celine Dion - Je Danm>sm>e Danm>sm> Ma Tete L'avenir em>sm>t planétaire Y'a m>sm>ix milliardm>sm> d'humainm>sm> m>sm>ur terre Maim>sm> chacun vie m>sm>a vie en m>sm>olitaire Chacun danm>sm> m>sm>em>sm> habitudem>sm> Chacun avec m>sm>em>sm> certitudem>sm> Et l'amour em>sm>t la pire dem>sm> m>sm>olitude Quand l'univerm>sm> m'indiffère Quand j'ai plum>sm> envie de ...

    Celine Dion Dion chante Plamondon
  • m>Sm>'il m>Sm>uffim>sm>ait D'aimer

    作 曲 : Jean-Jacquem>sm> Goldman   作 词 : Jean-Jacquem>sm> Goldman Je rêve m>sm>on vim>sm>age, je décline m>sm>on corpm>sm> Et puim>sm> je l'imagine habitant mon décor J'auraim>sm> tant à lui dire m>sm>i j'avaim>sm> m>sm>u parler Comment lui faire lire au fond de mem>sm> penm>sm>éem>sm>? Maim>sm> comment font cem>sm> autrem>sm> à qu...

    Celine Dion m>Sm>'il m>Sm>uffim>sm>ait D'aimer
  • Candy feat.Mr.Blim>sm>tah

    歌名:Candy feat.Mr.Blim>sm>tah 歌手:倖田來未 专辑:Candy feat.Mr.Blim>sm>tah 作詞: Kumi Koda, Mr.Blim>sm>tah 作曲: Daim>sm>uke Imai 何でもいいわけじゃない 見た目にこだわるタイプでもない だから ソレが欲しい… 夢のような時間 それ...

    倖田來未 Candy feat.Mr.Blim>sm>tah
  • If I Never m>Sm>ee You Again

    The morning light comem>sm> m>sm>tealing To m>sm>tart a new day Out there the world im>sm> waiting To take um>sm> far away And it′m>sm> time to make The final break But the memory will linger forever If I never m>sm>ee you again And think of me now and then Though it hurtm>sm> m>sm>o m>sm>weetly They m>sm>ay all good thi...

    Wet Wet Wet The Greatem>sm>t Hitm>sm>
  • We are

    m>Sm>inger : ONE OK ROCK Album : Ambitionm>sm> Title : We Are ( Japan Verm>sm>ion ) Englim>sm>h Title : We Are ( Japan Verm>sm>ion) They think that we're no one We're nothing. not m>sm>orry They pum>sm>h um>sm> It’m>sm> too late, It’m>sm> too late Not going back yume wa owari me o m>sm>amam>sm>u toki 夢は終わり 目を覚ま...

    ONE OK ROCK Ambitionm>sm>
  • Call Me On the Ouija Board

    歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.comm>Sm>haron Needlem>sm> - Call Me On The Ouija BoardIt'm>sm> jum>sm>t you and me babyWe're trapped in two different worldm>sm>Now I know you're no downtown boy, well I'm no uptown girl neitherWe're trapped in two realmm>sm> you m>sm>eeYou wanna talk to meWell then drop the phoneAnd pick up the boardI'...

    m>Sm>haron Needlem>sm> PG-13
  • Heroine

    ...啊 绝绢 坷疵 郴 磊府绰 捞固 沥秦廉 滚赴 芭具 (You Lom>sm>e)聪啊 厕槽 聪啊 盔茄 搬沸 捞菌聪 呈狼 惑惑 呈狼 噶惑 馒阿 加俊急 郴啊 茫篮 Better Place 唱父 酒绰 New Way 呈狼 妇捞 肛描绢 郴 扮栏肺 粱 歹 寸败 坷绰 弊 鉴埃 葛电 ...

    BoA Girlm>sm> On Top
  • m>Sm>trength Through Mum>sm>ic

    Amanda Palmer - m>Sm>trength Through Mum>sm>ic www.lrcgc.com 卜超 制作 A peculiar thing happened to me thim>sm> morning. Jum>sm>t am>sm> I reached into my pocket to find it empty of any (… indecipherable), I m>sm>aw two broken twigm>sm> on the ground, m>Sm>haped like the Greek letterm>sm> “F” and “m>Sm>”....

    Amanda Palmer Who Killed Amanda Palmer
