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  • Love warrm>im>or 战

    The sky m>im>s covered by clouds A thunderstorm m>im>s comm>im>ng Tm>im>redness and pam>im>n keep weakenm>im>ng me m>Im>’m almost desperate Thm>im>s close to desperate But m>Im> am too proud to say m>im>t Get up from my feet m>Im>’m walkm>im>ng and walkm>im>ng m>Im>’m a warrm>im>or for your love Moon lm>im>ght spread on my shoulder Blood m>im>s rushm>im>ng throug...

    尚雯婕 w m>im>n 赢
  • Love Agam>im>n

    ...o old and set m>im>n my ways m>Im> was convm>im>nced m>Im> would always be lonely All of the rest of my days Maybe m>Im> gm>im>ve up on romance m>Im>n my longm>im>ng to gm>im>ve up the pam>im>n m>Im> just dm>im>dn’t belm>im>eve m>Im> would ever love agam>im>n m>Im> was lm>im>ke one who had shut myself m>im>n Closed the wm>im>ndows, locked all the doors Afram>im>d of...

    John Denver
  • Cold Dark World

    ... World www.lrcgc.com 活在当下 制作 m>Im> can watch lm>im>ttle gm>im>rl from the back of my car m>Im> see you and show at the place that you are Grocerm>im>es spm>im>llm>im>n' up out of your bag Thm>im>nkm>im>n’ you’ll end up a pennm>im>less hag But m>Im> see the gm>im>rl that you are deep m>im>nsm>im>de Won’t you allow me to gm>im>ve ...

    Weezer Weezer (Red Album)
  • Cosmm>im>c

    ...作 m>Im> wanted to wrm>im>te a song called cosmm>im>c m>Im> wanted to get a vm>im>ew of the earth m>Im> wanted to be a lonesome cowboy m>Im> wanted to love you ‘tm>im>l m>im>t hurt m>Im> wanted the rm>im>ght to mm>im>sbehave To satm>im>ate my crave m>Im> put these thm>im>ngs asm>im>de for years Untm>im>l laughter took the place of tears m>Im>t’...

    Kylm>im>e Mm>im>nogue X
  • Ahead

    ...CMタイアップ作曲︰HYDE作詞︰HYDEBY:黄病病Gm>im>ve way to just another daym>Im> start over agam>im>nNo way そうハイになるまでm>Im>t’s drm>im>vm>im>ng me m>im>nsaneWorld’s end 想像浮かべて先を占えm>Im> ask myself, what then can m>Im> do?Everythm>im>ng m>Im>’m cravm>im>ng,all the thm>im>ngs m>Im> wanna doAnd m>Im> don’t ...

    VAMPS Ahead
  • Here m>Im> Go (Demo)

    ...(Demo) Woahoo belm>im>eve me m>Im> have trm>im>ed to work thm>im>s out from my m>im>nsm>im>de Then m>Im> fm>im>nally realm>im>zed m>Im> Just need to move on wm>im>th my lm>im>fe Gotta make somethm>im>ng of m>im>t Not just sm>im>t around an wam>im>t for m>im>t Thm>im>s place m>im>s lm>im>ke a prm>im>son m>Im> thm>im>nk m>Im>’m gom>im>ng to make a brake for m>im>t Woahoo here m>Im> go m>Im>ts lm>im>...

    Relm>im>ent K The Bm>im>rd And The Bee Sm>im>des
  • The Cross (lm>im>ve acoustm>im>c)

    lrcgc.com 制作 Sm>im>ngle:All m>Im> Need CDM Wm>im>thm>im>n Temptatm>im>on-The Cross(Acoustm>im>c) Nothm>im>ng’s ever changed, you stm>im>ll turn away You’ve washed your hands, you’ve made that all too clear You just keep on lm>im>vm>im>ng thm>im>s lm>im>e You refuse to see, you’re denym>im>ng me the cross m>Im> bear ...

    Wm>im>thm>im>n Temptatm>im>on Frozen CDM
  • Stuck

    ... today or get you off my mm>im>nd m>Im> just can’t seem to fm>im>nd a way to leave the love behm>im>nd m>Im> am>im>nt trm>im>ppm>im>n, m>Im>’m just mm>im>ssm>im>n You know what m>Im>’m saym>im>ng, you know what m>Im> mean You kept me ham>im>ngm>im>n on a strm>im>ng why you make me cry m>Im> trm>im>ed to gm>im>ve you everythm>im>ng but you just gave lm>im>es m>Im> am>im>nt trm>im>p...

    Stacm>im>e Orrm>im>co
  • Ram>im>nm>im>sm (Englm>im>sh Versm>im>on)

    ...e nom>im>se Even m>im>f you avom>im>d m>im>t stm>im>ll can feel my ram>im>nm>im>sm m>Im> make m>im>t ram>im>nm>im>sm the ram>im>nm>im>sm Now You completely fell m>im>n m>Im>’m Gonna Be Crazy Now Yes Crazy Now Now You Cannot Get Out Of m>Im>t m>Im>’m Gonna Be A bad boy m>Im>’m Gonna Be A bad boy m>Im>’m Gonna Be A bad bad boy m>Im>’m Gonna Be A bad boy m>Im>'m ...

    Ram>im>n Ram>im>nm>im>sm (Asm>im>an Specm>im>al Versm>im>on)
  • The Pm>im>lgrm>im>m

    The Hm>im>malayan peaks m>Im>\'ve crossed To walk wm>im>th you to have a talk m>Im> wouldn\'t dare exaggerate The serm>im>ousness of my own fate m>Im>t would seem that m>Im> have lost All the battles that m>Im> have fought Do forgm>im>ve me m>Im> am thm>im>rsty for the truth and love and wm>im>ne And m>Im> promm>im>se that m>Im> won\'t waste your tm>im>...

    Soler X2
