找到 all that i m 相关歌词400首

  • The Road m>Im>’m On

    ... thm>im>s way And m>Im> know you feel helpless now, and m>Im> know you feel alone m>Thatm>'s the same road, the same road m>thatm> m>Im>'m on, yeah He sam>im>d lm>im>fe's a lot to thm>im>nk about sometm>im>mes When you keep m>im>t m>ALLm> between the lm>im>nes And everythm>im>ng m>Im> want and m>Im> want to fm>im>nd one of these days But what you thought...

    3 Doors Down Away From The Sun
  • 接吻

    One more km>im>ss, tastes so sweet Gonna gm>im>ve you m>allm> m>thatm> you need Wanna know everythm>im>ng m>thatm> you’re feelm>im>ng tonm>im>ght Just talk to me Play the game, fm>allm> m>im>n love Feel the heat every tm>im>me we touch Colors fade m>im>n the darkness m>Im>’m lost m>im>n a dream 「接吻」 作詞∶田島貴男 英語詞∶BENm>Im>...

    BENm>Im> Covers: 2
  • Mockm>im>ngbm>im>rd Song

    ... now, Honey, here’s the word My Baby’s gonna buy me a mockm>im>ngbm>im>rd m>Im>f m>thatm> mockm>im>ngbm>im>rd don't sm>im>ng Baby’s gonna buy me a dm>im>amond rm>im>ng m>Im>f m>thatm> dm>im>amond rm>im>ng don't shm>im>ne We’ll stm>im>ll have a real good tm>im>me, So m>Im>’m makm>im>ng m>im>t clear Woah, woah. To thm>im>s man m>thatm> m>Im> have found m>Im>’m gonna sm>im>...

    Katm>im>e Melua Cm>allm> Off the Search-RETAm>Im>L-CD
  • Nothm>im>ng Helps

    ...ou we fm>im>nm>allm>y came thm>im>s far And on and on another song to wrm>im>te the wrongs m>thatm> m>Im> Tell me who else? m>Im>t thanks to m>allm> of you m>thatm> m>Im> could fm>im>nd my own way Any longer and m>Im>’ll know each and every day every show gotta gm>im>ve my best wm>im>th m>im>nnocence m>Im>t could be m>allm> taken away m>im>n a mm>im>nute There are thm>im>ng...

    ONE OK ROCK Deeper Deeper
  • Gotta Clue

    ...到你了) (featurm>im>ng Joon Park from God) Rewm>im>nd...dm>im>d hear hm>im>m tell me m>thatm> he lost hm>im>s phone? (and m>im>t’s the...) Same lm>im>ne m>thatm> m>Im> thought he told me just a week ago (must be a...) Bad sm>im>gn...m>Im> can never reach hm>im>m and he’s never home (well...well...) m>Im>t’s tm>im>me to m>im>nvestm>im>gate m>im>t... do m>im>t on th...

    李玟 Exposed
  • Trouble Sleepm>im>ng

    ...se belm>im>eve me Some m>im>nstant remedy m>Im> cant cure m>im>t completely Could m>im>t be m>thatm> m>Im> m sufferm>im>ng Because m>im>ll never gm>im>ve m>im>n Wont say m>thatm> m>Im> never m>im>n love Tell me m>Im> don't see myself good enough Don't say m>Im> m fm>allm>m>im>ng m>im>n love there's no way m>Im> m fm>allm>m>im>ng Cause m>Im> wm>im>ll never fm>allm> and m>im>t's never enough So...

    Corm>im>nne Bam>im>ley Rae Corm>im>nne Bam>im>ley Rae (CN Ver)
  • Gold

    ...e trm>im>ed to let m>im>t goBut these butterflm>im>es m>Im> can’t m>im>gnoreCause every tm>im>me m>thatm> m>Im> look at youKnow we’re m>im>n a catch 22We’ve been frm>im>ends for so long but m>Im>Need to tell you what’s on my mm>im>ndm>Im>’m sm>im>ck and tm>im>red of playm>im>ng games‘Cause m>Im> know m>thatm> you feel the same.m>Im> Know you m>im>nsm>im>de out, so m>Im>’m...

    Vm>im>ctorm>im>a Justm>im>ce Gold
  • Butterfly

    ...w.lrcgc.com 活在当下 制作 m>Im>’m takm>im>ng a moment just m>im>magm>im>nm>im>n’ m>thatm> m>Im>’m dancm>im>n’ wm>im>th you m>Im>’m your pole and m>allm> you’re wearm>im>ng m>im>s your shoes You got soul, you know what to do to turn me on untm>im>l m>Im> wrm>im>te a song about you And you have your own engagm>im>ng style And you’ve g...

    Jason Mraz We Sm>im>ng, We Dance, We Steal Thm>im>ngs
  • Fm>im>nd You Wam>im>tm>im>ng

    ... sm>im>de m>Im>’m not a preacher and m>Im>’m not a hero My lm>im>fe has never been m>thatm> km>im>nd But there m>im>s one thm>im>ng m>thatm> m>Im> hold onto m>Im> am Yours and Lord, You are mm>im>ne Through m>allm> these years You have been there Drm>im>ed m>allm> my tears And answered my prayers m>Im> just wanna feel Your presence agam>im>n m>Im>’m ...

    DecembeRadm>im>o Satm>im>sfm>im>ed
  • L.A.

    ...ver let them brm>im>ng you down Never let them tear me down m>Im> always thought m>thatm> m>Im> would follow you Every place and everythm>im>ng you do But m>Im>’m happy to be by myself m>Im> don’t need no one else He’s never ever seen my face before m>Im>’m trym>im>ng hard cos thm>im>s m>Im> can’t m>im>gnore But there’s stm>im>l...

    Amy MacDonald Thm>im>s m>Im>s The Lm>im>fe
