找到 200 相关歌词46首

  • 溜溜歌

    歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.com溜溜歌歌手:李玲玉 LRC编辑:紫金之巅苗家山寨嘛溜溜土家溜溜的屯同一个大树嘛溜溜共一条溜溜的坡砍柴同山嘛溜溜一座溜溜的山乘船同行嘛溜溜一条溜溜的河苗家妹子嘛溜溜土家溜溜的哥同伴那日出那溜...

    李玲玉 《民歌联唱200首.CD2A》
  • 紫竹调

    歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.com紫竹调歌手:李玲玉LRC编辑:紫金之巅啊呀咧 啊呀咧 啊呀咧啊呀咧 啊呀咧 啊呀咧紫竹开花七月天小妹妹呀采花走得欢手跨紫竹篮身穿紫竹杉美丽的紫竹花开胸前采了一山又一山好像彩蝶飞花间

    李玲玉 《民歌联唱200首.CD2A》
  • 难忘今宵

    难忘今宵 演唱:董文华 http://www.lrcgc.com/ 难忘今宵难忘今宵 无论天涯与海角 神州万里同怀抱 共祝愿祖国好祖国好 告别今宵告别今宵 无论新友与故交 明年春来再相邀 青山在人未老人未老 难忘今宵难忘今宵 无论天涯与海角 ...

    董文华 演唱歌曲精选200首 Cd1
  • 十大姐(云南民歌)

    十大姐(云南民歌)演唱:张也歌词编辑:晶莹水晶QQ:1375906371歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.com山茶那个花来嘛山茶花十呀个大姐采山茶花篮那个是在山坡上唱呀个山歌转回家小呀哥我说给你唱呀个山歌转回家十呀那个姐妹么十枝花唱呀个山...

    张也 民歌联唱200首.CD4A
  • 为了谁

    歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.com 为了谁 - 董文华 词:邹友开 曲:孟庆云 为了谁为了秋的收获 为了春回大雁归 满腔热血唱出青春无悔 望穿天涯不知战友何时回 你是谁为了谁 我的战友你何时回 你是谁为了谁 我的兄弟姐妹不流泪 谁最美谁...

    董文华 演唱歌曲精选200
  • 我的小太阳

    歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.com我的小太阳作词:石祥 作曲:铁源 演唱:董文华看那天边的星星啰天边的星星啰那是你爸爸 的帽徽在闪耀帽徽在闪耀瞧那弯弯的月牙啰弯弯的月牙啰那是你爸爸在望着咱们微笑望着咱们微笑噢 噢 噢睡吧我的...

    董文华 《演唱歌曲精选200首 Cd1》
  • Stars

    Tatu - Stars How did we ever go this far You touched my hand and start the car And for the first time in my life I'm crying Are we in space? do we belong? Some place where no one calls it wrong And like the stars we burn away The miles (Russian Rap) How did we ever get this...

    Tatu 200 Kmh In The Wrong Lane
  • How Soon Is Now

    Tatu - How Soon Is Now I am the son and the heir Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar I am the son and the heir Of nothing in particular You shut your mouth How can you say I go about things the wrong way? I am human and I need to be loved Just like everybody else does Th...

    Tatu 200 Kmh In The Wrong Lane
  • Nas Ne Dagonyat

    Tatu - Nas Ne Dagonyat(他们追不上我们) Nas ne dogonyat... Tol'ko Skazhe Dal'she nas dvoye Tol'ko ogni Aerodroma My ubezhim Nas ne Dogonyat Dal'she ot nikh Dal'she ot doma Noch' provodnik Spryach' nashi teni Za oblaka Za oblakami Nas ne naydut Nas ne izmenyat Im ne ...

    Tatu 200 Kmh In The Wrong Lane
  • 30 Minutes

    Tatu - 30 Minutes Mama, Papa forgive me Out of sight, out of mind Out of time to decide Do we run? Should I hide? For the rest of my life Can we fly? Do we stay? We could lose, we could fail In the moment it takes To make plans or mistakes 30 minutes, the blink of an eye ...

    Tatu 200 Kmh In The Wrong Lane
