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  • Read My Mind

    In your eyes you look so weary Fighting light with dark and dreary Even know you can't hear me I`ll still to sing You go to church and pray on Sunday You think your sins are cleaned that away Dont`t know forgiveness just begins with you If you could read my mind Just read my mind...

    Sweetbox The Best Of Sweetbox 1995-2005 (新曲+超级精选)
  • 当爱已成往事

    歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.com当爱已成往事(feat.林帆) - 蒋志光词:李宗盛曲:李宗盛往事不要再提人生已多风雨纵然记忆抹不去爱与恨都还在心里真的要断了过去让明天好好继续你就不要再苦苦追问我的消息爱情它是个难题让人目眩神迷...

    蒋志光&林帆 飞图20周年纪念精选大碟
  • Forever Young

    Let's dance in style Let's dance for a while Heaven can wait We're only watching the skies Hoping for the best But expecting the worst Are you going to drop the bomb or not???? Let us die young or let us live forever We don't have the power But we never say never Sitting in a sandpit Life is a short...

    黄莺莺 似曾相识(西洋情歌精选)
  • Don't Tell Me Why

    Say Hi.... Say Fine... Say Hi.... Say Fine....Let’s go 满满站著红配绿的街道树 这一季你收到了多少祝福 今晚我决定藏好所有的烦恼 你不陪我 我会哭 走进本来就很疯狂的城市 忽然尖叫也不会有人在乎 随便挑一个party邀我跳支舞 在午...

    彭佳慧 最佳美声 影音典藏精选
  • Suger Lady

    你的微笑讓我神魂顛倒 什麼原因開了這個玩笑 全身沾滿了誰的味道 一個不開心喔讓你糟糕 No no no you want it you want it you want it No no no sexy sexy oh baby No no no you want it you want it you want it No no no 心跳加速感覺快發燒 Hey hey hey sugar lady ...

    柯有伦 赤子本色-态度全精选
  • Viva la Diva (feat. 达明一派) (live版)

    歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.comViva la Diva (feat. 达明一派) (live版) - 李逸朗词:陈少琪曲:刘以达歌词编辑:薰风习习QQ:980920533DIVA DIVA DIVA VIVA LA DIVA她不举止高雅VIVA LA DIVA世界爱看 你我仰望到处播放 似个症状她 是长着刺的花她 又却愿出嫁...

    谢霆锋 1 1 合唱精选
  • 睁一只眼闭一只眼(Remix版)

    你和谁去逛街 还换了新球鞋 明明鬼鬼崇崇 说我疑神疑鬼 打给你不是没接 就是手机没电 失踪半天送我玫瑰 破绽更加明显 看你涨红了脸 为你找下台阶 不但不说感谢 要我装没看见 看着我的双眼 跟我说一遍 你爱我没有改变 不...

    蔡依林 最爱Live Concert音乐精选
  • 年轻人的心声,看我听我,秋蝉

    歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.com 年轻人的心声,看我听我,秋蝉 - 韩宝仪 我又轻拨黯哑的老吉它 我想道出心中许多话 沉默呀沉默竟是你的回答 人说校园像一座象牙塔 我们沐浴在无知的潇洒 有谁愿意听我细诉 心声的传达 就像蝴蝶必定...

    韩宝仪 Vol.2 精选恰恰民歌醉心集
  • Goodbye yellow brick road(Live) - live

    When are you gonna come down When are you going to land I should have stayed on the farm I should have listened to my old man You know you can't hold me forever I didn't sign up with you I'm not a present for your friends to open This boy's too young to be singing the blues So goodbye yellow brick...

    林子祥 88-89演唱会精选
  • 爱的进行式

    作词 : 姚, 謙/胡, 彥斌 (music) 从相识到现在 从冷淡到关怀 从拒绝到依赖 从陌生到相爱 从深信到疑猜 从疼爱到伤害 从炫烂到苍白 从厮守到分开 从感动到感慨 从体谅到责怪 从期待到无奈 从狂喜到悲哀 一段情 宁愿短暂精彩 ...

    陈淑桦 情牵淑桦最完整精选全纪录
