找到 介乎法国与旺角 相关歌词19首

  • 介乎法国旺角的诗意

    My Little Airport - 介乎法国旺角的诗意 词/曲: 阿p 编: 阿p/阿贤/阿科 唱: nicole/ jackie/ sot kanin/ 阿p 专辑:介乎法国旺角的诗意 俾我再约多你一次 再约多一次 再多一次  你我这件事 回到公司 不会有人知  ...

    My Little Airport 介乎法国旺角的诗意
  • 瓜分林瑞麟三十万薪金

    My Little Airport - 瓜分林瑞麟三十万薪金 词/曲/编: 阿p 唱: 阿p/阿贤/ thomas/ sot kanin/阿花 专辑:介乎法国旺角的诗意 瓜分 让我们瓜分  林瑞麟每个月三十万元的薪金  让我们的新碟会有更好的录音  摊分 让我...

    My Little Airport 介乎法国旺角的诗意
  • 边一个发明了返工

    边一个发明了返工 我要给佢米田共  边一个发明了返工 返到我愈篱愈穷  为了薪金一万元 令每天都没了没完  一万元一万元一万元 灵魂卖给了大财团  边一个发明了返工 以为自己好有用  边一个发明了...

    My Little Airport 介乎法国旺角的诗意
  • donald tsang,please die

    My Little Airport - donald tsang,please die 词/曲/编/唱: 阿p 专辑:介乎法国旺角的诗意 Donald Tsang, please die. 我地实上街  Donald Tsang, please die. When will you be fired? 假设Donald今日你俾人斩咗只手  二十年后果个人发咗达又做...

    My Little Airport 介乎法国旺角的诗意
  • My little st. valentine's day

    作曲 : nicole 作词 : nicole Feeling sad when I woke up,I thought of you at noon. What I have done to you makes me feel so bad. Please don't cry baby, please don't cry baby. You told me that on the St. Valentine’s Day. Tell me I'll be ok, without you by my side. Tell me you'll be happy,...

    my little airport 介乎法国旺角的诗意
  • 给face杂志的记者ivy

    五月十八号你打?约我做访问  话想知道关於我?首〈please die, donald tsang〉 听到你系《FACE》已经觉得有D甘  同你三唔识七受害应该都系我本人  我话唔得闲亦唔想做你访问  但你打好几次黎又态度好诚恳  所以我...

    My Little Airport 介乎法国旺角的诗意
  • my little st.valentine's day

    Feeling sad when I woke up, I thought of you at noon. What I have done to you makes me feel so bad. Please don't cry baby, please don't cry baby. You told me that on the St. Valentine's Day. Tell me I'll be ok, without you by my side. Tell me you'll be happy, without the ros...

    My Little Airport 介乎法国旺角的诗意
  • when the party is over,i miss my dear porn star

    When The Party Is Over, I Miss My Dear Porn Star 词/曲/编/唱: 阿p 专辑:介乎法国旺角的诗意 When the party is over, I miss my dear porn star When the party is over, I miss my dear porn star When the party is over, I miss my dear porn star Do you have any boyfriend ...

    My Little Airport 介乎法国旺角的诗意
  • When the party is over, i miss my dear porn star

    浣滄洸 : 闃縫 浣滆瘝 : 闃縫 When聽the聽party聽is聽over,聽I聽miss聽my聽dear聽porn聽star When聽the聽party聽is聽over,聽I聽miss聽my聽dear聽porn聽star Do聽you聽have聽any聽boyfriend聽in聽Beijing? Do聽you聽have聽any聽boyfriend聽in聽Beijing? I聽don't聽thin...

    my little airport 介乎法国旺角的诗意
