找到 beyond 相关歌词654首


    LONG WAY WITHOUT FRIENDS 词 \ 黄家驹.陈时安. 曲 \ 黄家驹. 主唱 \ 黄家驹. The sun is scorching down, And the sand reflect its light. I'm moving with my shadow, Through this empty haunted land. Strange sounds from nowhere, And the strong wind cut my face. Nobody'l...

    Beyond 再见理想
  • 系要听Rock & Roll

    作曲 : 黄贯中 作词 : 黄贯中 係要听ROCK N' ROLL 词 \ 黄贯中. 曲 \ 黄贯中. 主唱 \ 黄家驹. ROCK N' ROLLING A-HA 係要听ROCK N' ROLLING A ROCK N' ROLL 烽烟交加那里是我家 生于今天彷佛带点抱憾 高高的他有个大嘴巴 不准喧哗只准听他训话 若...

    Beyond Super Collection
  • 总有爱(A Thank Of Love)(live 1996)

    千般百股暖流 从你关心的说话 深深感激一切 我一生记心中 在急风扑面而来 迷失中找到你 我的心不须惊怕 有你伴我身边 时光总飞逝未能停留 容许多给你爱 以歌声感激知心好友 我愿为你高歌 有天可相聚未曾遗忘 人海中...

    Beyond Beyond的精彩 Live & Basic
  • 东方宝藏(英)(Live) - live

    The sun is scorching down And the sand reflect its light I'm moving with my shadow Through this empty haunted land Strange sounds from nowhere And the strong wind cut my face Nobody'll help, but what else can I do Oh~lord I need your help In the sky there's a eagle soaring by Oh~long way ...

    Beyond Beyond北京演唱会 追忆黄家驹(引进版)
  • 系要听ROCK N’ ROLL

    係要听ROCK N' ROLL 词 \ 黄贯中. 曲 \ 黄贯中. 主唱 \ 黄家驹. ROCK N' ROLLING A-HA 係要听ROCK N' ROLLING A ROCK N' ROLL 烽烟交加那里是我家 生于今天彷佛带点抱憾 高高的他有个大嘴巴 不准喧哗只准听他训话 若是...

    Beyond DELIBERATE犹豫
  • 现代舞台(哈哈哈混音版)(Live) - live

    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha 不羁的少女 仍旧在故作端正 悲哀的配角 仍旧是惹笑见称 万众倾心的偶像 尽力找一刻恬静 为着光辉的见证 承受自我压迫 风骚的政客 仍旧是故作公正 超级的战...

    Beyond Beyond北京演唱会 追忆黄家驹(引进版)
  • 遥かなる梦に~Far away~(オリヅナルカラオケ)

    遠く 遥かな歌が たえまなく聞こえてくる 微笑みを讃(たた)えるように ときに優しく強く「dont be afraid」 思い悩み傷つき 眠れない夜もあった 信じあい肩を支えて 励ましあったあの日「dont worry friend」 終わりのな...

    Beyond 遥かなる梦に ~Far away~
  • 深紫色高跟鞋

    五点三十分 我睇到个天都就黎光 我坐向个巴士站对面眼光光 好似俾人监生灌一担猪肉汤 个心bup 噤 跳 仲 有 D 慌 我抹左一额汗好彩你重未落妆 我个名你个名ho 都 悭 番 唔 驶 讲 反正少个唔少多个唔多 你话你会记住我唉 我...

    Beyond Rock & Roll Collection
  • Myth

    It was a story told for years When a young girl dwelled this land With eyes shone like the star And a smile that charmed both heaven and earth The moon was ashamed when next to her And the flowers bowed their heads Her songs could tame the beasts Her hands could wave all sorrows away Yet that Fate w...

    Beyond 再见理想
  • Myth(1985 Live)

    It was a story told for years When a young girl dwelled this land With eyes shone like the star And a smile that charmed both heaven and earth The moon was ashamed when next to her And the flowers bowed their heads Her songs could tame the beasts Her hands could wave all sorrows away Yet that ...

    Beyond Super Collection
