找到 徐小明 相关歌词52首

  • 青春痘

    我人生得高個樣令你羡慕 重電鬈毛鬼咁自豪 都係我媽媽好生個仔有兩度 就算走出街亦要威足兩鋪路 人話我聰明非並一味靠嘈 實在我叻到係冇譜 人話我風流並非mok 嘴阿茂 實在我fit 到漏油 死啦啲青春痘死啦啲青春痘 我認真...

    小明 再遇大侠
  • 渔歌

    Artist:chicago Songs Title:saturday in the park Saturday in the park I think it was the fourth of july Saturday in the park I think it was the fourth of july People dancing, people laughing A man selling ice cream Singing italian songs (fake italian lyric) Can you dig it (yes, I can)...

    小明 再遇大侠
