找到 the lady in 相关歌词3首

  • The lady in red

    I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight I've never seen you shine so bright I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance And I have never seen that dress you're wearing Or the highlights in your ...

    影视歌曲 心动列车(电视原声带)
  • the lady in my life

    The Lady In My Life Michael Jackson There'll be no darkness tonight Lady our love will shine Just put your trust in my heart And meet me in paradise You're every wonder in this world to me A treasure time won't steal away So let me keep you warm Through the shadows of the night Let...

    Michael Jackson Thriller
  • Lady In The Long Black Dress

    [What's happenin', sister? Yeah baby,I'm talkin' to you. My name's Bones. And I'm a Libra, a dig sunsets, and strolling on the beach, and loving my neighbor as myself. And right now, baby, I'm standing next door to you.] Picture you and me one sweet, sweet night in a pool of votive can...

    Various Artists Sister Act-The Musical
