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  • 狂舞吧

    ... cry today m>im> know m>im>t’s gettm>im>ng colder you can lean on my shoulder m>im>t’s gom>im>ng to be fm>im>ne and m>im> promm>im>se m>im>t m>im>sn’t over been gone too long thm>im>s emotm>im>onal trm>im>p goes on and on m>im> hope you’ll be strong not alone anymore cos you have thm>im>s song 若自由是最轻的云霞问问被谁摘过吗 愿望...

  • Food Play

    ...lm>im>ke. m>Im> Wanna Try?? (Smoke a lm>im>ttle Smoke, Tell a lm>im>ttle Joke, and go hahaha wm>im>th the Soverem>im>gn Lady, Englm>im>sh breakfast, a Sexy Englm>im>sh breakfast.) ????裬?? www.taomp3.com

    Lady Soverem>im>gn Jm>im>gsaw
  • Song for you

    ...othm>im>ng to lm>im>ve for. why m>im>n such a hurry puttm>im>ng on heavy make up you are gom>im>ng somewhere m>Im> don’t know tears and sorrow m>im>n your eyes the memorm>im>es wm>im>th hm>im>m the place together you and m>Im> hey baby who you wam>im>tm>im>ng for? maybe m>im>t’s not me you are lookm>im>ng for yeah. feelm>im>ng lm>im>ke m>Im> couldn’t breathe b...

    J처리 J처리 1st Sm>im>ngle
  • Fm>im>ve Becomes Four

    ...hm>im>s storm that you brought m>im>n Brm>im>ngm>im>ng m>im>t down Only around For you m>Im> go agam>im>n m>Im>t’s got to be, easy to see What everyone takes out of me Knockm>im>ng me down, draggm>im>ng me out How dm>im>d you end up m>im>n that crowd? Dm>im>d you run away? Dm>im>d you fall apart? Do you see yourself for what you a...

    Yellowcard The Else
  • Tonm>im>ght

    ...headm>im>ng separate ways) your heart stopped, and you dropped to your knees god why, m>im>s all thm>im>s happenm>im>ng to me m>Im>, understand everythm>im>ng’s not perfect but you’re there through the worst of m>im>t, and lord m>Im> hear you say Tonm>im>ght let every tear you cry and everythm>im>ng wrong m>im>nsm>im>de, brm>im>ng ...

    Group 1 Crew Ordm>im>nary Dreamers
  • Love Takes Two

    ... am m>Im> supposed to do Mark: When your words could dm>im>sgum>im>se what you''re gom>im>ng through But they can''t fool your heart Now m>im>t''s tm>im>me to decm>im>de what you wanna do m>Im>''m tellm>im>ng you All: Love takes two Mark: Love takes two All: Tm>im>me after tm>im>me m>im>t''s proven true Cos b...

    Westlm>im>fe Greatest Hm>im>ts
  • There m>Im>s Enough

    www.lrcgc.com marm>im>ssa 制作 One m>im>s ok two m>im>s fm>im>ne three m>im>s enough One m>im>s ok two m>im>s fm>im>ne three m>im>s enough One m>im>s ok two m>im>s fm>im>ne three m>im>s enough One m>im>s ok two m>im>s fm>im>ne three m>im>s enough m>Im>’m sorry for all you people out there who aren’t as happy as me Tomorrow they wm>im>ll maybe ...

    The Naked Brothers Band m>Im> Don't Want To Go To School
  • Sm>im>ck cycle carousel

    ...eyes? Would you belm>im>eve me m>im>f m>Im> sam>im>d m>Im>’m tm>im>red of thm>im>s? Well here we go, now, one more tm>im>me... ’Cause m>Im> trm>im>ed to clm>im>mb your steps m>Im> trm>im>ed to chase you down m>Im> trm>im>ed to see how low m>Im> could get down to the ground And m>Im> trm>im>ed to earn my way m>Im> trm>im>ed to tame thm>im>s mm>im>nd You better belm>im>...

  • 谁是MVP

    ...么快 我从不辜负期待 So m>Im>'m back for a 4 tm>im>me Hm>im>ts you know m>im>t m>Im> got u booty shakm>im>ng screamm>im>ng m>Im> lm>im>ke m>im>t pow 四次出击入侵你的脑细胞 我的血液在燃烧 听着节奏在环绕 静静的听 我释放心中所有的信心 储备所有能量 让你知道我再次出击 要我等 没...

    潘玮柏 高手
  • My Truck (feat. Josh Malter)

    ...e up m>Im> make the earth quakem>Im> t take up almost two lanes on the m>im>nterstatem>Im> got more horses than anybody m>im>n thm>im>s cow townYou can't help lookm>im>ng up to me and m>Im> can't help lookm>im>ng down.My trucks bm>im>gger than your truck, you're soft m>Im>'m bum>im>lt So toughMm>im>ne makes yours look lm>im>ke a tm>im>n cupMy trucks bm>im>gger t...

    Gretchen Wm>im>lson Rm>im>ght On Tm>im>me
