找到 i m going to 相关歌词2000首

  • Tears Macerate Reason

    ...齐豫 All alone m>Im> have started my journey To the darkness of darkness m>Im> go Wm>im>th a reason,m>Im> stopped for a moment m>Im>n thm>im>s world full of pleasure so fram>im>l Town after town on m>Im> travel Pass through faces m>Im> know and know not Lm>im>ke a bm>im>rd m>im>n flm>im>ght,sometm>im>mes m>Im> topple Tm>im>me and tm>im>me agam>im>n,just farewe...

    T.M.Revolutm>im>on SEVENTH HEAVEN
  • Don’t tell me

    ...ll learn, no, no Take the black off a crow But don’t tell me m>Im> have to go Tell the bed not to lay Lm>im>ke the open mouth of a grave, yeah Not to stare up at me Lm>im>ke a calf down on m>im>ts knees Please don’t Please don’t Please don’t tell me to stop Don’t you ever Don’t ever tell me t...

  • Home Lm>im>fe

    John Mayer - Home Lm>im>fe m>Im> thm>im>nk m>Im>'m gonna stay home Have myself a home lm>im>fe Sm>im>ttm>im>ng m>im>n the slow-mo And lm>im>stenm>im>ng to the daylm>im>ght m>Im> am not a nomad m>Im> am not a rocket man m>Im> was born a housecat By the slm>im>ght of my mother's hand m>Im> thm>im>nk m>Im>'m gonna stay home m>Im> want to lm>im>ve m>im>n the c...

    John Mayer Heavm>im>er Thm>im>ngs
  • Red Dress

    ...ry me!! Oh standard bearer carry me burnm>im>n’ home from another tour!! Go ahead put your Red Dress on. Days of Whm>im>te Robes have come and gone, come and gone. Oh you rm>im>vers, oh you waters run. Come bear wm>im>tness to the Whore of Babylon! "Hey Slave" They called. And we caved. We answered...

    TV on the Radm>im>o Dear Scm>im>ence
  • God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess-

    「Prologue God」 作曲∶本田光史郎 Whenever you cry Just count your blessm>im>ngs Every tm>im>me you try Learn somethm>im>ng, belm>im>eve yourself Look to the sky Lm>im>ke a bm>im>rd wm>im>thout wm>im>ngs m>Im>f you want to fly Feel your heart, release yourself We are alm>im>ve m>im>n thm>im>s world Lm>im>fe m>im>s sometm>im>mes unfam>im>r We keep...

    Oratorm>im>o The World God Only Knows God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess-」
  • Try Agam>im>n

    ...nd agam>im>n) [Aalm>im>yah] m>Im>’m m>im>n to you You m>im>nto me But m>Im> can’t let m>im>t go So easm>im>ly Not tm>im>ll m>Im> see Whether thm>im>s could be Could be eternally Or just a week Ay yo our chemm>im>stry m>Im>s off the cham>im>n m>Im>t’s perfect now But wm>im>ll m>im>t change? Thm>im>s am>im>n’t a yes Thm>im>s am>im>n’t a no Just do your thm>im>...

  • m>Im>d Engager

    ...c.com 卜超 制作 Yeah! m>Im>s that my Concorde on a launcher? Looks good! Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! One, two, three four! Ooh ooh ooh ooh ah He’s just a slutty lm>im>ttle flm>im>rt, and sm>im>ster, he’s only gom>im>ng to hurt you Watch yourself Ladm>im>es, m>Im>’m screamm>im>ng out to you from the depths of ...

    Of Montreal Skeletal Lampm>im>ng
  • m>Im>nternet

    m>Im>f you gom>im>ng to love me Go head and love me 多希望 You love me 不只是说说而已 m>Im> wake up m>im>n the mornm>im>ng and the world m>im>s changm>im>ng every day 但我像宅男一样每天坐在电脑前 我看着萤幕 跟着滑鼠点阅 浏览所有你的消息还有你的照片 说真的我们没见过...

    JPM 365
  • Fade Away

    ...t cool m>Im> thm>im>nk m>Im> lost my mm>im>nd Back there and then Oh how m>Im> let my feelm>im>ngs go You see, m>Im> know m>im>t’s just a crush And a crush won’t ever last long No one’s forcm>im>ng m>im>t, boy So you m>Im>’ll put asm>im>de Thought frm>im>ends we would be Oh, boy… Sadly you took my smm>im>le away Every tm>im>me you look my way m>Im>t ...

    Olm>im>vm>im>a Ong Just For you
  • 昨天今天

    ...There's a shadow hangm>im>ng over me Oh, yesterday came suddenly Why he had to go m>Im> don't know he wouldn't say m>Im> sam>im>d somethm>im>ng wrong, now m>Im> long for yesterday Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play Now m>Im> need a place to hm>im>de away Oh, m>Im> belm>im>eve m>im>n yesterday And now, the end m>im>s near And so m>Im> face ...

    撒娇 卡拉OK.南京.我
