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  • Feel Good m>Im>nc

    歌名:Feel Good m>Im>nc 歌手:Gorm>im>llaz 专辑:Demon Days Cm>im>ty′s breakm>im>ng down on a camels back. They just have to go cos they dont hold back So all you fm>im>ll the streets m>im>ts appealm>im>ng to see You wont get out the county, cos you′re bad and free You′ve got a new horm>im>zon m>Im>t′...

    gorm>im>llaz Demon Days
  • Make Love To Thm>im>s Song

    ...l Evans/ Mark Merthe 制作:Justm>im>n Gray/ Nate Evans We don’t need to go out on the town We can dance on the patm>im>o and sm>im>ng at the top of our lungs You don’t need thm>im>s take m>im>t off take m>im>t off We can go under the covers and make love to thm>im>s song m>Im> use to be a wm>im>ld chm>im>ld But for you m>Im> wan...

    曲婉婷 LLL
  • 最後の優しさ -Englm>im>sh Versm>im>on-

    ...nto the arms of another man Let me hold you tm>im>ght, m>Im> don’t wanna let you go As the nm>im>ght turns m>im>nto day nothm>im>ng seems brm>im>ghter The words that we exchange are slowly broken by the tears Even though m>Im> saw your lm>im>ps were shakm>im>ng When you let me know the truth m>Im> just lm>im>stened tm>im>ll the end, every word...

  • Dont tell me

    ...ll learn, no, no Take the black off a crow But don’t tell me m>Im> have to go Tell the bed not to lay Lm>im>ke the open mouth of a grave, yeah Not to stare up at me Lm>im>ke a calf down on m>im>ts knees Please don’t Please don’t Please don’t tell me to stop Don’t you ever Don’t ever tell me ...

  • Wonderful

    ...'t for the money, cars and movm>im>es stars and jewels And all these thm>im>ngs m>Im> got m>Im> wonder, hey Would you stm>im>ll want me (Want you) Would you stm>im>ll be callm>im>ng me (Stm>im>ll callm>im>ng you) You be lovm>im>ng me? (m>Im>'ll be lovm>im>ng you) JA RULE Wanna keep you flawed wm>im>th no dough Pm>im>mpm>im>n am>im>n't easy Trust me m>Im> ...

  • Father Brm>im>an Fm>im>nn

    ...ay Your desperate hearts mm>im>ne? You wouldn’t stray But how far dm>im>d you go A curse on your home And the mm>im>ghty atoned So fake me dm>im>sease? The bottom of me m>Im>s emptm>im>er now God than m>im>ts ever been And m>Im> couldn’t belm>im>eve That m>im>d ever see Stop talkm>im>ng to me And gm>im>ve me some peace Cause m>Im>...

    Rm>im>ght Away,Great Captam>im>n! The Eventually Home
  • Tell Me Somethm>im>ng True

    ...sm>im>de you m>im>n the nm>im>ght afram>im>d. When m>Im> was young m>Im> was always brave. m>Im> was gom>im>ng where the wm>im>nd was born, m>Im> don’t know where that m>im>s anymore. Sometm>im>mes my heart feels so empty and mean, No blanket could warm, no water could clean, No dm>im>rectm>im>on on that same old wm>im>nd Could gm>im>ve me passage throu...

    Tm>im>ft Merrm>im>tt Another Country
  • All m>Im> Need

    ... (check) My Rocawear m>im>s fm>im>ttm>im>n' m>im>ncredm>im>ble... Fuck m>im>t... m>Im> guess m>Im> got my swagger back Mama that sam>im>d m>Im> km>im>lled her man Well m>Im> guess m>Im> got the dagger back m>Im>t's the Roc bastards we are BACK! m>Im>n the heezy Jm>im>ggaman, B. Sm>im>eg to M-Easy (what up fam?) Oskm>im>no and Sparks and Freeweezy (ho...

  • Hm>im>gh的后遗症

    ...e fear m>im>nsm>im>de m>im>s bum>im>ldm>im>ng up. Thm>im>s tm>im>me m>Im> know m>im>t’s m>im>t. Thm>im>s tm>im>me m>Im>'ll gonna dm>im>e . hell.now what the f$%k ? the ground bclow me's fallm>im>ng through. Tell me true. Does thm>im>d shm>im>t ever happen to you? A sm>im>lent scream comm>im>ng from the hm>im>gh , rm>im>ps through mr lhroat. m>Im> jek awake knowm>im>ng that the te...

    黄立行 马戏团猴子
  • Young Homm>im>e

    ...Lm>im>vm>im>ng lm>im>fe wm>im>th loved ones close to me,Shh, ahh, thm>im>s m>im>s the remedy,And m>Im> got the recm>im>pe, m>Im> don’t need no Hennessy,Yeah, m>im>t’s been nm>im>ne months now,Haven’t had a drm>im>nk and m>Im>’m startm>im>ng to see clear now,m>Im>’m puttm>im>ng all my fears down,m>Im> can hear the cheers now,Seem>im>ng peace sm>im>gns when m>Im> look a...

    Chrm>im>s Rene m>Im>'m Rm>im>ght Here
