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Treat Me R
m>i m>ghtlrcgc.com 制作 Album:Unbreakable Backstreet Boys-Treat Me R
Backstreet Boys Unbreakablem>i m>ght AJ:The fm>i m>rst nm>i m>ght that we metm>I m> wm>i m>ll never forget Baby you were a star Oh, from that pom>i m>ntm>i m>n tm>i m>mem>I m>t was always you andm>I m> Shm>i m>nm>i m>ng so beautm>i m>ful Later out wm>i m>th your frm>i m>ends You treat me lm>i m>kem>I m>’m deadm>I m>t was ... -
m>i m>g Boys Cry「B
安室奈美恵 Bm>i m>g Boys Cry」 作詞作曲∶Kanata Okajm>i m>ma/ Nermm>i m>n Harambasm>i m>c/ Anne Judm>i m>th Wm>i m>k/Ronny Svendsen/Hayley Am>i m>tken/ Em>i m>rm>i m>k Johansen/Jan Hallvard Larsen 歌∶安室奈美恵m>I m> do whatm>I m> wantm>I m> do whatm>I m> lm>i m>ke Pushm>i m>ng up rm>i m>ght onm>i m>t ’tm>i m>ll them bm>i m>g boys crym>I m> do whatm>I m> wantm>I m> do whatm>I m> lm>i m>ke Keep t...m>i m>g Boys Cry/Beautm>i m>ful -
小虫 私生活m>I m> am lonely lonely lonelym>I m> am lonely lonelym>i m>n my lm>i m>fem>I m> am lonely lonely lonely God help me help me to survm>i m>ve! Remember fm>i m>rst tm>i m>me we met day one Km>i m>dsm>i m>n the garden’ playm>i m>n’ games heaven’ fun Excm>i m>tm>i m>n’ and amazm>i m>n’ havm>i m>n’ a real frm>i m>end of mm>i m>ne Feel my heartbeat a... -
Ghost Town
LRC Produced By Kat
Katm>i m>e Melua-Ghost Town The thm>i m>ng that makes me feel the most down,m>I m>s the feelm>i m>ng thatm>I m>’m lm>i m>vm>i m>ngm>i m>n a ghost town. Barn door bangm>i m>n’m>i m>n my face, Lm>i m>ke tumbleweed,m>I m>’m rollm>i m>ng ‘round thm>i m>s place.m>I m> see you arrm>i m>vm>i m>ng at the statm>i m>on, Butm>i m>t’s only mym>i m>magm>i m>na...m>i m>e Melua Pm>i m>ctures -
Ghost Town
LRC Produced By Kat
Katm>i m>e Melua-Ghost Town The thm>i m>ng that makes me feel the most down,m>I m>s the feelm>i m>ng thatm>I m>’m lm>i m>vm>i m>ngm>i m>n a ghost town. Barn door bangm>i m>n’m>i m>n my face, Lm>i m>ke tumbleweed,m>I m>’m rollm>i m>ng ‘round thm>i m>s place.m>I m> see you arrm>i m>vm>i m>ng at the statm>i m>on, Butm>i m>t’s only mym>i m>magm>i m>na...m>i m>e Melua Pm>i m>ctures -
m>i m>cm>i m>al Englm>i m>sh Ver.-「CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA -Off
FLOW HERO~希望の歌~/CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LAm>i m>cm>i m>al Englm>i m>sh Ver.-」 作詞∶Yukm>i m>nojo Morm>i m> 作曲∶Chm>i m>ho km>i m>yooka 歌∶FLOW Cha-La Head-Cha-La Keep shm>i m>nm>i m>n’ ultm>i m>mate Z on everythm>i m>ngm>I m>t got me Am>i m> yam>i m> yam>i m> yam>i m> yam>i m>....Sparkm>i m>ng! Breakm>i m>n’ out, sky wm>i m>thout a lm>i m>mm>i m>t Gonna fly away (fly away) Everythm>i m>ng beneath mem>I m> b... -
m>I m>’m notm>I m>n the Mood(To Say No)!Shan
Shanm>i m>a Twam>i m>n -m>I m>'m notm>I m>n the Mood(To Say No)! Don't wanna wam>i m>tm>i m>n lm>i m>ne--uh, uhm>I m>t's such a waste of tm>i m>me--uh, uh, uh Won't fm>i m>nd me on the couch--uh, uh Sleepm>i m>n' lm>i m>ke a slouch--uh, uh, uhm>I m> don't lm>i m>ke sm>i m>ttm>i m>n' down dom>i m>n' nothm>i m>n'm>I m>'d rather spend my tm>i m>me dom>i m>n' somethm>i m>n' Am>i m>n't no n...m>i m>a Twam>i m>n Up! -
m>i m>deoV
m>i m>deom>I m>ndm>i m>a Arm>i m>e (Acoustm>i m>c Soul) [Verse 1] Sometm>i m>mesm>I m> shave my legs and sometm>i m>mesm>I m> don’t Sometm>i m>mesm>I m> comb my ham>i m>r and sometm>i m>mesm>I m> won’t Depend of how the wm>i m>nd blowsm>I m> mm>i m>ght even pam>i m>nt my toesm>I m>t really just depends on whatever feels goodm>i m>n my soul [Chorus]m>I m>’m not the a...m>I m>ndm>i m>a Arm>i m>e Acoustm>i m>c Soul -
Maroon 5 - Maps
Maroon 5m>I m> mm>i m>ss the taste of the sweet lm>i m>fem>I m> mm>i m>ss the conversatm>i m>onm>I m>’m searchm>i m>ng for a song tonm>i m>ghtm>I m>’m changm>i m>ng all of the statm>i m>onsm>I m> lm>i m>ke to thm>i m>nk that we hadm>i m>t all We drew a map to a better place But on that roadm>I m> took a fall Oh baby why dm>i m>d you run away?m>I m> was ther... -
m>i m>ff RaffSee
AC/DCm>i m>t on televm>i m>sm>i m>on every day Hearm>i m>t on the radm>i m>om>I m>t am>i m>n´t humm>i m>d butm>i m>t surem>i m>s hot Downm>i m>n Mexm>i m>co Boss man trym>i m>n´ to tell me Begm>i m>nnm>i m>n´ of the end Saym>i m>n´m>i m>t´ll bend me Too late my frm>i m>end Rm>i m>ff raffm>I m>t´s good for a laugh Rm>i m>ff raff ...m>I m>f You Want Blood--You´ve Gotm>I m>t