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莫文蔚&Mm>i m>ka:m>I m> could be starm>i m>ng at somebody new Stuckm>i m>n my headm>i m>s a pm>i m>cture of you You are the thunderm>I m> was the ram>i m>nm>I m> wanna knowm>i m>fm>I m>'ll see you agam>i m>n 莫:m>I m> sam>i m>dm>I m> love you you sam>i m>d goodbye Everythm>i m>ng changesm>i m>n the blm>i m>nk of an eyem>I m>t's been a w...m>i m>ka -
...1 歌词网:http://www.lrcgc.com/ M
Mm>i m>ka:m>I m> could be starm>i m>ng at somebody new Stuckm>i m>n my headm>i m>s a pm>i m>cture of you You are the thunderm>I m> was the ram>i m>nm>I m> wanna knowm>i m>fm>I m>'ll see you agam>i m>n 莫:m>I m> sam>i m>dm>I m> love you you sam>i m>d goodbye Everythm>i m>ng changesm>i m>n the blm>i m>nk of an eyem>I m>t's been a w...m>i m>ka&莫文蔚 -
Stop Th
m>i m>s World... @ www.lrcgc.com @ Okay,
Ne-Yo Year Of The Gentlemanm>I m> woke upm>i m>n heaven today She km>i m>ssed mem>I m> floated away, away Never felt anythm>i m>ng so great Alrm>i m>ght, Nowm>I m> brace myself for the fm>i m>ghtsm>I m>’m lm>i m>ght as a feather tonm>i m>ght Causem>I m> can’t feel the ground Someone let me downm>I m> never felt so hm>i m>gh asm>I m> do nowm>I m>t's too go... -
Such A Groovy Guy
Wem>i m>rd Al" Yankovm>i m>c Wem>i m>rd Al Yankovm>i m>c-Such A Groovy Guym>I m> got my allm>i m>gator bootsm>I m> wear my pants skm>i m>n tm>i m>ghtm>I m> wear my dark sunglassesm>i m>n the mm>i m>ddle of the nm>i m>ght And whenm>I m> lookm>i m>n the mm>i m>rrorm>I m>'m-a such an awesome sm>i m>ghtm>I m>t makes me wanna kneel down and praym>I m>'m so adorable and charmm>i m>...m>i m>rd Al Yankovm>i m>c "Wem>i m>rd Al" Yankovm>i m>c -
Be l
m>i m>ke thatEd
3 Doors Down The better lm>i m>ted by:Voldmort He spends hm>i m>s nm>i m>ghtsm>i m>n Calm>i m>fornm>i m>a, Watchm>i m>ng the stars on the bm>i m>g screen Then he lm>i m>es awake and he wonders, Why can’t that be me Causem>i m>n hm>i m>s lm>i m>fe hem>i m>s fm>i m>lled Wm>i m>th all these goodm>i m>ntentm>i m>ons He’s left a lot of thm>i m>ngs He’d rather not mentm>i m>on rm>i m>ght ...m>i m>fe -
... M
BENm>i m>yahara 作曲∶桑田佳祐 歌∶BENm>I m> Settm>i m>ng along the scenery, beneath the steady fall The dusk accompanm>i m>es a lonelm>i m>ness, descendm>i m>ng as snow Tears can drown the embersm>i m>n thm>i m>s broken heart of mm>i m>ne Another portram>i m>tm>i m>n my lm>i m>fe watchm>i m>ng the seasons passm>i m>ng by Crystallm>i m>zm>i m>ng every breathm>I m> take,...m>I m> Covers: 2 -
She Bel
m>i m>eves (m>I m>n Me)She Bel
Ronan Keatm>i m>evesm>I m>n Me Ronan Keatm>i m>ng 《Turnm>I m>t On》 Whm>i m>le she lays sleepm>i m>ngm>I m> stay out late at nm>i m>ght And play my songs And sometm>i m>mes all the nm>i m>ghts can be so long Andm>i m>t’s good whenm>I m> fm>i m>nally makem>i m>t home All alone Whm>i m>le she lays dreamm>i m>ngm>I m> try to get undressed wm>i m>thout the lm>i m>ght ...m>i m>ng Turnm>I m>t On -
m>I m>STEN TO MY HEART (Englm>i m>sh Versm>i m>on)BoA - L
BoA Lm>I m>STEN TO MY HEART (Englm>i m>sh Versm>i m>on) Woe Baby what can you seem>i m>n your eyes Across an ad se wm>i m>nd yeah Whatm>i m>magm>i m>ne at the sky? What do you do you want? do you need? Oh Baby when we’re sad,we’re badm>I m> phoned to you mm>i m>dnm>i m>ght call yeah Butm>I m> knowm>i m>t’s never change Yes,...m>I m>STEN TO MY HEART -
m>i m>n For The Queen...
Lm>i m>t on me Am>i m>n’t got shm>i m>t on NYC Got nothm>i m>ng on thm>i m>s cm>i m>ty Save all that crym>i m>ng for the queen Go back to the motherland Have your mama hold you handm>I m>f you eat your eggs wm>i m>th runadm>i m>nes (?) Save all that crym>i m>ng for the queen Judgm>i m>ng your behavm>i m>or and your junkm>i m>e routm>i m>nem>I m>t’s tm>i m>me f...m>i m>ttle Jackm>i m>e The Stoop -
m>I m>t Up...erbody wants to have fun Br
Vanessa Hudgensm>i m>ng a couple o’ frm>i m>ends andm>I m>’ll betcha Thatm>I m>’ll be hookm>i m>ng up wm>i m>th someone Causem>I m>’m tm>i m>red of all the boys Who don’t lm>i m>ke to dance Andm>i m>f you don′t lm>i m>ke to dance You don’t stand a chance, so Why you standm>i m>ngm>i m>n the corner Wm>i m>th your arms all folded ...m>I m>dentm>i m>fm>i m>ed