找到 i m going to 相关歌词900首

  • m>Im> should be so lucky

    ...f one day you would notm>im>ce me My heart m>im>s close to break And m>Im> can’t go on fakm>im>ng The fantasy that you’ll be mm>im>ne m>Im>’m dreamm>im>ng That you’re m>im>n love wm>im>th me Lm>im>ke m>Im>’m m>im>n love wm>im>th you But dreamm>im>ng’s all m>Im> do m>Im>f only they’d come true m>Im> shoule be so lucky(so lucky) m>Im> should be...

    Kylm>im>e Mm>im>nogue artm>im>st
  • Heaven's Gate

    ... here m>Im> put a knm>im>fe to my breastAnd here m>Im> wm>im>ll remam>im>n evermoreBut you can go on, fm>im>x what m>im>s wrongm>Im>f you keep from the demons who knock at your door.Wont you come back and see me agam>im>n?Won’t you come back someday?m>Im>’ve trm>im>ed, and m>Im>’ve trm>im>ed to make my way from hereBut m>Im>’m stuck at heaven’s...

    Della Mae Thm>im>s World Oft Can Be
  • Damn Gm>im>rl

    ...nd m>Im> used to thm>im>nk that m>Im> was all you would need Nah nah nah There you go agam>im>n (Nah nah nah) Oooh you thm>im>nk that you could just push me around Yeah there you go agam>im>n You lm>im>ft me up and then you throw me back down Damn gm>im>rl Dry your eyes You stole my heart and then you km>im>cked m>im>t a...

    The All-Amerm>im>can Rejects When the World Comes Down
  • 第一课

    ... follow through learnm>im>ng to make my dreams come true. Never knew had to go through thm>im>s just to forget you. But m>Im>’m better off now, no regrets and thank you. 爱就爱到深刻 瞭解是第一课 这点心声 你是否听见了

    倪安东 第一课
  • Before The Doom

    Suddenly m>Im> realm>im>zed the sun has gone away m>Im>’ve been sm>im>ttm>im>ng here all day Now everythm>im>ng left m>im>nsm>im>de me m>im>s hate Cause all m>Im> do m>im>s take and take See m>Im>’m talkm>im>ng to myself agam>im>n The sky m>im>s blm>im>nded, the nm>im>ght m>im>s awake Water wm>im>ll be cold and the beat wm>im>ll fade Heroes wm>im>ll be afram>im>d On hm>im>s way to t...


    ...t remember feelm>im>ng thm>im>s way before Do you know, do you understand what’s gom>im>ng through my heart Well the way that m>Im> love you, m>Im> just hope you feel m>im>t too, Tonm>im>ght wherever you are... m>Im> want to show you everythm>im>ng m>Im> see, the way m>Im>’m feelm>im>ng m>Im> need to be wm>im>th you tonm>im>ght, to hold your arms around...

    m>Im>NFm>Im>Nm>Im>TY 16 Whm>im>te Cover
  • m>Im>t Am>im>n´t Obvm>im>ous

    ...bvm>im>ous why don´t you put a lm>im>ttle trust m>im>n me and let m>im>t go m>im>f you don´t take a chance how wm>im>ll you ever know baby m>im>m on your sm>im>de have m>Im> been foolm>im>sh all along have you been leadm>im>ng me on just to walk away m>im>f thm>im>s m>im>s where you belong s...

    Gareth Gates What My Heart Wants To Say
  • m>Im>’ll Be Mellow When m>Im>’m Dead

    ...n't care about your karma m>Im> don't care about what's hm>im>p No space cadet's gonna tell me what to do m>Im> won't swm>im>m m>im>n your jacuzzm>im> You can't make me settle down m>Im>'d rather km>im>ck and jump and bm>im>te and scratch And scream untm>im>l m>Im>'m blue m>Im> may as well be hyper as long as m>Im>'m stm>im>ll around 'Cause m>Im>...

    Wem>im>rd Al Yankovm>im>c "Wem>im>rd Al" Yankovm>im>c
  • Mm>im>ss Movm>im>n' On

    Mm>im>ss Movm>im>n' On - Fm>im>fth Harmony.m>Im>’m breakm>im>ng down; gonna start from scratchShake m>im>t off lm>im>ke an Etch-A-SketchMy lm>im>ps are saym>im>ng goodbyeMy eyes are fm>im>nally dry.m>Im>’m not the way that m>Im> used to bem>Im> took the record off repeatYou km>im>lled me, but m>Im> survm>im>vedAnd now m>Im>’m comm>im>ng alm>im>ve.m>Im>’ll never be that ...

    Fm>im>fth Harmony Mm>im>ss Movm>im>n' On - Sm>im>ngle
  • P.m>Im>.M.P.

    ...fuckm>im>ng P-m>Im>-M-P Now shorty, she m>im>n the club, she dancm>im>ng for dollars She got a thm>im>ng for that Guccm>im>, that Fendm>im>, that Prada That BCBG, Burberry, Dolce and Gabana She feed them foolm>im>sh fantasm>im>es, they pay her cause they wanna m>Im> spm>im>t a lm>im>ttle G man, and my game got her A hour later, have that as...

    50 Cent
