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  • Born Thm>im>s Way

    ... he made you perfect, babe” “So hold your head up gm>im>rl and you’ll go far, Lm>im>sten to me when m>Im> say” m>Im>’m beautm>im>ful m>im>n my way ‘Cause God makes no mm>im>stakes m>Im>’m on the rm>im>ght track baby m>Im> was Born Thm>im>s Way Don’t hm>im>de yourself m>im>n regret Just love yourself and...

    Lady GaGa Born Thm>im>s Way
  • Playa Cardz Rm>im>ght (Feat. 2Pac)

    ...m Grow But m>Im> Don’t Know m>Im> Lm>im>ve The Lm>im>fe Of A Thug Nm>im>gga Untm>im>l The Day m>Im> Go, No Broken Promm>im>ses, A Sacred Bond Broken, m>Im> Know m>Im> Dm>im>e Alone But Yet Stm>im>ll m>Im>’m Hopm>im>ng, Vm>im>sm>im>on Of Prm>im>son Maybe m>Im> Be Forgm>im>ve m>Im> Know m>Im>t’s Better m>Im>n Heaven, Cuz Bem>im>ng Here Am>im>n’t Lm>im>vm>im>ng Close My Eyes And See Nothm>im>n B...

    Keyshm>im>a Cole A Dm>im>fferent Me
  • To Be Myself Completely

    ...Thought m>Im>’d talked myself around But to be myself completely m>Im>'ve just got to let you down Well m>Im> knew m>Im>’d say goodbye Though m>im>t’s not my tm>im>me to cry And forever and for no one m>Im> wm>im>ll let m>im>t all go by And to be myself completely m>Im>'ve just got to say goodbye Z-lm>im>st star m>im>n a hundred...

    Belle and Sebastm>im>an The Lm>im>fe Pursum>im>t
  • 想爱

    ...想爱 Yeah a m>Im> need a somebody Somebody to love 我想要爱 Let’s go 不爽的记忆全都抛在脑后 寻找别的爱情后 oh oh oh oh oh oh Teen Top Teen Top 我会变得不一样的 oh oh oh oh 我受了伤 被抛弃了很久 本来就是这样 爱情是痛苦的 我只想忘...

    Teen Top
  • m>Im>t's Over

    ...always over m>Im>t’s ram>im>nm>im>ng and m>Im>’m burned And m>im>t’s late and you’re gone And m>Im> can barely remember Anythm>im>ng m>Im> dm>im>d or sam>im>d Or how m>Im> lost another week There must be somethm>im>ng gom>im>ng on… A naggm>im>ng sense of shame m>Im> can’t explam>im>n An acrm>im>d taste of smoke and blood And tears and drugs An...

    The Cure 4:13 Dream
  • Your Song (acoustm>im>c)

    ...y exm>im>sts and moves along wm>im>th sorrow That’s a fact No one knows what m>im>s gom>im>ng on deep m>im>nsm>im>de of the youth Pray! Let’s pram>im>se your fate We go on to go ahead Let’s pram>im>se your fm>im>ght Your callm>im>ng m>im>s my blaze Let’s pram>im>se your fate We go on to go ahead Let’s pram>im>se, you’re O.K. A slm>im>ght d...

    ACm>Im>DMAN アルケミスト
  • Take The Fall

    ...m>im>nt out now what we’re careless of My chance m>im>n lm>im>fe m>im>s worth lettm>im>ng go Of all the trends they’re settm>im>ng so Forgm>im>ve me m>Im>f m>Im>’m so ordm>im>nary wm>im>th extraordm>im>nary reasons to lm>im>ve m>Im>t’s just lm>im>ke a boy to save hm>im>s honor and hm>im>s money m>Im>t’s just lm>im>ke a gm>im>rl to feel m>Im>t’s just lm>im>ke a chm>im>l...

    Brendan James The Day m>Im>s Brave
  • Wrm>im>tm>im>ng To Remember ( The North Horm>im>zon )

    ...g to Someday get back home to you m>Im>’ve been drm>im>vm>im>ng m>im>n West Texas m>Im> got lost m>im>n Tennessee Now m>Im>’m wrm>im>tm>im>ng to remember The way m>im>t used to be back home They say that you can’t go back m>Im> wouldn’t try even m>im>f m>Im> could Cause somehow m>im>n the darkest hours Somethm>im>ng always came around fo...

    Matt Brouwer Where's Our Revolutm>im>on
  • Born Thm>im>s Way - lm>im>ve

    ...m>im>d, cause he made you perfect, babe So hold your head up gm>im>rl and you’ll go far lm>im>sten to me when m>Im> say m>Im>’m beautm>im>ful m>im>n my way ’cause god makes no mm>im>stakes m>Im>’m on the rm>im>ght track baby m>Im> was born thm>im>s way Don’t hm>im>de yourself m>im>n regret Just love yourself and you’re set m>Im>’m on the rm>im>ght...

    苏颂 Born Thm>im>s Way (Lm>Im>VE)
  • Besm>im>de You

    ...nd when m>Im>’m alone Your magm>im>c face m>im>s m>im>n the place of she who needed to go Chorus: Besm>im>de you m>Im>’ll be besm>im>de you Besm>im>de you Forever besm>im>de you m>Im> really got some prm>im>de for you and m>Im> need you to show me The pam>im>n we have m>im>s not for show Zoo lm>im>ke anm>im>mals, consumm>im>ng me whole Lm>im>vm>im>ng a ...

    Sm>im>mply Red So not over you (CDM)
