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Metallm>i m>de your door (How much longer?)m>I m>tm>i m>s buckm>i m>ng and braym>i m>ng and pawm>i m>ng at the floor (How much longer?) And hes howlm>i m>ng wm>i m>th pam>i m>n and crawlm>i m>ng up the walls (How much longer?) Theres a devm>i m>l wam>i m>tm>i m>ng outsm>i m>de your door (How much longer?) And hes weak wm>i m>th evm>i m>l and broken by the world (How much lo...m>i m>ca garagem>i m>nc. -
Closer To You
...Poets could not pronounce your name Gamblers couldn’t play the game Matchst
Brett Dennen Hope For The Hopelessm>i m>ck statues set to flame Couldn’t hold a candle to you Swm>i m>ndlers on the Sunset strm>i m>p Hypnotm>i m>sts and hypocrm>i m>tes Ventrm>i m>loqum>i m>sts and Pm>i m>ckpockets Wm>i m>sh that they could get Wellm>I m>’ve tasted love so sweet Played ... -
take my heart to you
张学友m>i m>ng from the ram>i m>n and snow Trym>i m>ng to forget butm>I m> won’t let go Lookm>i m>ng at a crowded street Lm>i m>stenm>i m>ng to my own heart beat So many people all around the world Tell me where dom>I m> fm>i m>nd someone lm>i m>ke you gm>i m>rl *Take me to your heart take me to your soul Gm>i m>ve me your hand beforem>I m>’m old ... -
m>I m>'ve Lost YouTake That - Today
Take That Never Forget (The Ultm>I m>'ve Lost You (Prevm>i m>ously Unreleased) www.lrcgc.com ★ 制作 Drm>i m>vm>i m>ng homem>i m>n my car, nearly mm>i m>dnm>i m>ght Ram>i m>n on the roadm>i m>n my vm>i m>ew Holdm>i m>ng my heart,m>i m>t’s the fm>i m>rst nm>i m>ght wm>i m>thout you On my clothesm>I m> stm>i m>ll smell your perfume Should hav...m>i m>mate Collectm>i m>on) -
m>i m>nosaur...-R You are a d
Kesha Anm>i m>nosaur O-L-D M-A-N Your just an old man Hm>i m>ttm>i m>ng on me what? You need a cat scan Oh man Why are you starrm>i m>n' at me Mack on me and my frm>i m>endsm>i m>ts km>i m>nda a creepy You should be prowlm>i m>ng around the Old folks home Come on dude! Leave us alone At fm>i m>rst we thought thatm>i m>t was km>i m>nd...m>i m>mal -
Four Prov
m>i m>nces... ,from j
The Walkmen You & Mem>i m>angxm>i m> pm>i m>ngxm>i m>ang @ www.lrcgc.com @m>I m>’ll see you tonm>i m>ght down at Sophm>i m>a’s placem>I m>t’s always a good tm>i m>me The polm>i m>shed mohogany Gm>i m>n and cm>i m>gars Yeah, come on then Hey, Leah Amm>I m> gettm>i m>ng throughm>I m>t’s one more sm>i m>lver lm>i m>nm>i m>ng for the weekend Hey, we're here The candlesm>i m>n your e... -
m>i m>c words 爱情密语... you? Try
李玟 Exposedm>i m>ng to be strong for you Lm>i m>ke you’re strong for me. Lookm>i m>ng at you holdm>i m>ng up so easm>i m>ly. Whenm>I m>’m havm>i m>ng doubts about whatm>I m>’m feelm>i m>ng And future worrm>i m>es are darkenm>i m>ng my mm>i m>nd. That’s when you come around. And you just say that magm>i m>c words and everythm>i m>ngm>i m>s fm>i m>ne agam>i m>n baby... -
NYC (Featur
m>i m>ng Nas)Kev
Kevm>i m>n Rudolf - NYC (Featurm>i m>ng Nas) LRC by lzh ,from jm>i m>angxm>i m> pm>i m>ngxm>i m>ang @ www.lrcgc.com @m>I m>n the cm>i m>ty of dreams, you get caught upm>i m>n the schemes and fall apartm>i m>n the seam Tonm>i m>ght That boy he used to bomb, From B.K. to the Bronx andm>i m>t’s the fortunate one, who dm>i m>es New York, ...m>i m>n Rudolfm>I m>n The Cm>i m>ty -
m>I m>’m real... through Hope you're all alone 'Cause
Jennm>I m> got plans for you We could stay at home or dance and hand all nm>i m>ght As long asm>I m>'m wm>i m>th youm>I m>t doesn't matter what we do Don't ask me wherem>I m>'ve been Or whatm>I m>'m gonna do Just know thatm>I m>'m here wm>i m>th you Don't try to understand Baby, there's no myste...m>i m>fer Lopez J-lo -
m>I m> Callm>I m>t Love...the door. Cause
Anastacm>I m> am>i m>n’t gon’ try to escape hm>i m>s sweet prm>i m>son. Oh so what makes you thm>i m>nk thatm>I m> mm>i m>ght need rescum>i m>ng?m>I m>s thm>i m>s howm>i m>t feels? Amm>I m> losm>i m>ng my mm>i m>nd? Cause everyone keeps trym>i m>n’ to save me.m>I m>’m head over heels,m>I m> can’t get enough. Andm>I m> know people mm>i m>ght callm>i m>t crazy, ...m>i m>a Heavy Rotatm>i m>on