找到 5 10 相关歌词227首

  • Say What You Say

    ...wimmin' pools Over 80 million records sold And I ain't had to do it with 10 or 11 year olds Chorus (2x) 'Cuz what you say is what you say Say what you say how you say it whenever you sayin' it Just remember how you said it when you was sprayin' it So who you playin' with huh huh huh huh? ...

    Eminem The Eminem Show
  • My band

    ...t a band bitch we don't play instruments So why he get 90 and we only get 10 percent And these guys they can find every area code ([Em:] Proof carry my bag) Bitch carry your own Can't make it to the stage, security in my way (Who the fuck are you? Where's Obie and Dre?!) [Verse 5 - Bizarre]...

    D-12 D12 World
  • 毛主席颂歌新节奏联唱(2)

    ...咱家乡过 红军走的是革命的路 革命的花儿开在咱心窝 10、颂歌献给毛主席 东海扬波同日升 南岭起舞飘彩云 珠穆朗玛雪峰献哈达 草原上赞歌唱不尽 啊毛主席 大江南北留下了您的足迹 五湖四海回响着您的声音 你指引革...

    群星 毛主席颂歌新节奏联唱
  • 毛主席颂歌新节奏联唱(1)

    ...照亮 我们迈步走在社会主义 幸福的大道上 哎巴扎咳 10、桂花开放幸福来 桂花生在硅石哎 桂花要等贵人来耶 桂花要等贵客到 贵客来到花才开耶 哎……哎…… 贵客来到花才开耶 桂花好比苗家的心哎 贵人就是解放军嘞 ...

    群星 毛主席颂歌新节奏联唱
  • 毛主席颂歌新节奏联唱(3)

    ... 让我们引上山坡来 广阔天地炼红心 扎根山乡长成才 10、采药 脚踩白云头顶天 身挎背篓上苍山 踏遍青山尝百草 悬崖陡壁敢登攀 苍山上采药忙 哎依哟哈哈 手舞银锄精神爽 口尝百草心里甜 救死扶伤为人民 送医送药到...

    群星 毛主席颂歌新节奏联唱
  • 毛主席颂歌新节奏联唱(4)

    ... 萨丽哈 萨丽哈最听毛主席的话 来……吔…… 萨丽哈 10、崖畔上开花 崖畔上开花崖畔上红 受苦人盼着那好光噢景 有朝一日翻了身 我和我的干妹子儿结个噢婚 青杨柳树长得高 你看呀哥哥儿我哪得哟噢好 黄河岸上灵芝...

    群星 毛主席颂歌新节奏联唱
  • Model Test 01

    ...'t see how he does it. M: Yeah... me either. He went back to his dormitory 10 p.m. I don't see how anyone can keep up this pace of life. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 2. M: Excuse me, madam. Can I buy a ticket direct from here to Cleveland? W: Yes, but you will have to transfer at Seatt...

    华研外语 六级预测
