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My tea's gone cold
Emm>I m>'m wonderm>i m>ng whym>I m>.. got out of bed at all The mornm>i m>ng ram>i m>n clouds up my wm>i m>ndow.. andm>I m> can't see at all And evenm>i m>fm>I m> couldm>i m>t'll all be grey, put your pm>i m>cture on my wallm>I m>t remm>i m>nds me, thatm>i m>t's not so bad,m>i m>t's not so bad.. My tea's gone coldm>I m>'m wonderm>i m>ng whym>I m>....m>i m>nem -
My tea's gone cold
Emm>I m>'m wonderm>i m>ng whym>I m>.. got out of bed at all The mornm>i m>ng ram>i m>n clouds up my wm>i m>ndow.. andm>I m> can't see at all And evenm>i m>fm>I m> couldm>i m>t'll all be grey, put your pm>i m>cture on my wallm>I m>t remm>i m>nds me, thatm>i m>t's not so bad,m>i m>t's not so bad.. My tea's gone coldm>I m>'m wonderm>i m>ng whym>I m>....m>i m>nem -
Closer To Me
Closer To Me The last s
fm>i m>ngle released by Fm>i m>ve. Could be the best ballad Fm>i m>ve have ever done ... everyone gets a part of thm>i m>s fm>i m>ne song, wrm>i m>ttenm>i m>n the best tradm>i m>tm>i m>on of the croonm>i m>ng boybands of the past. The fm>i m>rst and ONLY tm>i m>me Fm>i m>ve ever performed the songm>i m>n publm>i m>c wasm>i m>n cd: ukm>i m>n...m>i m>ve Greatest Hm>i m>ts -
m>I m>tm>i m>n)Th
Kelly Rowland Ms. Kellym>i m>s am>i m>nt gon’ be easy Uh! You gotm>i m>t You gotm>i m>t Putm>i m>tm>i m>n Tables turnm>i m>n’ to a sm>i m>tuatm>i m>on Now you standm>i m>n’m>i m>n my face lm>i m>ke you’ve been patm>i m>ently wam>i m>tm>i m>nm>I m>’m rollm>i m>n over words forget the conversatm>i m>on Thm>i m>nkm>i m>n’ maybe we can make a combm>i m>natm>i m>on Wanna see me lose my bre... -
m>i m>veAl
Damm>i m>veDamm>i m>m>I m>m★Your lovm>i m>n' R&B -珂珂sheery lyrm>i m>cs-m>I m>'m comm>i m>ng out from the shadowsShootm>i m>ng stram>i m>ght lm>i m>ke an arrowAm>i m>n't nothm>i m>ng gonna slow me down, slow me down, yeahm>I m>'m gonna flow lm>i m>ke a cool breezeStand taller than a palm treeAm>i m>n't nothm>i m>ng gonna cut me down, cut me down, yeahm>I m> remember all the wor...m>i m>m>I m>m Alm>i m>ve -
Do The Bad Th
m>i m>ng作詞者名 m.c.A・T 作曲者名 AK
DA PUMP THE NEXT EXm>I m>O TOGASHm>I m> 前のめりに生きてみな まだやり残したことばかりで たまには息抜きしていいな 街角に座り休め Don't say 「Do The Rm>i m>ght Thm>i m>ng」 わかってるからこの満杯の頭 Don't say 'bout m...m>I m>T -
Just one last dance Just one last dance We meet
其它女歌手m>i m>n the nm>i m>ghtm>i m>n the Spanm>i m>sh cafém>I m> lookm>i m>n your eyes just don′t know what to saym>I m>t feels lm>i m>kem>I m>′m drownm>i m>ngm>i m>n salty water A few hours left ′tm>i m>l the sun′s gonna rm>i m>se tomorrow wm>i m>ll come anm>i m>t′s tm>i m>me to realm>i m>ze our love has fm>i m>nm>i m>she... -
m>i m>t For You feat. KURO from HOME MADE 家族「Wa
アリル Wam>i m>t For You feat. KURO from HOME MADE 家族」 作詞∶A’Lm>I m>L/KURO/Toppo 作曲∶Tosh Masuda 歌∶アリル 真夜中に君と観る 幸せなラブストーリー 隣で潤んでる 横顔が愛しいよ Oh My Darlm>i m>ng たまにケンカすると 気付かされる Precm>i m>ous Days 二人...m>i m>t For You -
Tomorrow feat.平井大
ALEXXX Welcome to them>i m> sam>i m>d a la la la la long la longm>I m>’m mm>i m>ssm>i m>ng all your love my baby 過ごす lonely nm>i m>ght 一人の帰り道は暗くて先が見えない 君の姿は gorgeous lady 会うたび gm>i m>ve me butterflm>i m>es でも bye bye bye になっちゃって この一本道、今1人で歩く 何...m>I m>SLAND -
The Tr
m>i m>alGood morn
Pm>i m>ng, The Worm, Your Honour, The Crown wm>i m>ll plam>i m>nly show, The prm>i m>soner who now stands before you, Was caught red-handed showm>i m>ng feelm>i m>ngs. Showm>i m>ng feelm>i m>ngs of an almost human nature. Thm>i m>s wm>i m>ll not do. Call the schoolmaster !m>I m> always sam>i m>d he'd come to no good,m>I m>n the end, y...m>i m>nk Floyd The Wall