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Won't Stop
OneRepublm>i m>c - Won't Stop www.lrcgc.com 活在当下 制作 Uh ohh Nowm>i m> stared at you From across the room Untm>i m>l both my eyes were fadedm>I m> wasm>i m>n a rushm>I m> was out of luck Nowm>I m>'m so glad thatm>I m> wam>i m>ted Well you were almost there Almost mm>i m>ne...yeah They say love am>i m>n't fam>i m>r Bu...m>i m>c Dreamm>i m>ng Out Loud -
Enrm>i m>l) Fly boy yeah rm>i m>ght Hey mamma they call me Wheezy You should be wm>i m>th mem>I m> gotta pack of full of Reezers Babym>I m> can bless you when you am>i m>n't even sneezm>i m>ngm>I m> be edge stressed when you don't even need mem>I m> can have you dreamm>i m>ng when you even sleepm>i m>ng Mammam>I m> can help you get off lm>i m>...m>i m>quem>I m>glesm>i m>asm>I m>nsomnm>i m>ac -
...朗 D、有思想 E、味道好 F、很能聊 G、不迟到 H、很爱笑
红蓝铅笔 情圣m>I m>、很神秘 J、很机灵 K、很懂你 L、很义气 M、很主动 N、很害羞 O、很温柔 P、很执着 Q、很清淡 R、很性感 S、会做饭 T、不打扮 U、很可爱 V、真老外 W、非常乖 X、有点坏 Y... -
m>I m> Ask of YouNo more talk of darkness, Forget these w
Sarah Brm>i m>de-eyed fears.m>I m>’m here, nothm>i m>ng can harm you - my words wm>i m>ll warm and calm you. Let me be your freedom, let daylm>i m>ght dry -your tears. wm>i m>th you, besm>i m>de you, to guard you and to gum>i m>de you . . . Say you love me every wakm>i m>ng moment, turn ...m>i m>ghtman -
m>I m>t's The Thm>i m>ngs You Dom>I m>t's The Thm>i m>ngs You Do audm>i m>o tm>i m>me: 3:36 vocals: SCOTT SEAN ABS J GROUP NOTES: Thm>i m>sm>i m>s a very dm>i m>fferent remm>i m>x versm>i m>on of the song...softer and wm>i m>th a back beat. Another versm>i m>on leaves out all the raps wm>i m>th J and Abs. From Fm>i m>ve's fm>i m>rst album. Sm>i m>ngle & vm>i m>deo releasedm>i m>n ...m>i m>ve Greatest Hm>i m>ts -
Hearts At War
Hm>I m>M - Hearts At WarLyrm>i m>c by 听雨QQ:850454409歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.comSo after all that we have done, are you feelm>i m>ng cold?Lm>i m>ke the wm>i m>nter sun, and have you thought of all the wordsWe left unsam>i m>d, don't be scared, you shouldn't beHearts at war, drunk on dreamsOf all that's been lost nowLet them bl...m>I m>M Tears On Tape -
m>i m>tm>I m>n The BluesGabr
Gabrm>i m>ella Cm>i m>lmm>i m> - Sm>i m>tm>I m>n The Blues www.lrcgc.com 活在当下 制作 Baby Lm>i m>sten, Everytm>i m>me You Asked Me,m>I m> Gave You Mm>i m>nem>I m>nvm>i m>tatm>i m>on For One Nm>i m>ght, But You Never Thought Of Me More Then Twm>i m>ce Cause There Am>i m>nt Nothm>i m>ng Thatm>I m> Could Speak You Gm>i m>ve And You Take Then Your Done Wm>i m>t...m>i m>ella Cm>i m>lmm>i m> Lessons To Be Learned -
m>i m>t Up[Em
D-12 D12 Worldm>i m>nem] 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 ,4, 3, 2, 1 Ready or not here we come, here comes troublem>i m>n the club 11,12,13, pm>i m>stols bm>i m>g as M 16's How the fuck we sneakm>i m>n wm>i m>th thm>i m>s many heatersm>i m>n our jeans Nm>i m>na, 2 nm>i m>na's, a peace and they dont even see us Some shm>i m>t pops off we squeeze each one they gon'... -
...手穿金戴银但不值金价 如今大家都是Rapper就像 下去尬!
E.SO Yella Smells Good Mm>I m>t’s lm>i m>ke “1 lm>i m>ttle 2 lm>i m>ttle 3 lm>i m>ttlem>I m>ndm>i m>an 你们谁去解答,You guys som>i m>dm>i m>ot! 那些假Rapper谎言会被戳破 相信我的话因为我曾被戳过 Now who’s the real Hm>i m>p-Hop?m>I m> don’t gm>i m>ve a shm>i m>t! 谁在说谎...m>I m>XTAPE -
Solar (Japanese Ver.)
m>I m> can’t see anythm>i m>ng wm>i m>thout you gm>i m>rlm>I m> just keep thm>i m>nkm>i m>ng about you all the tm>i m>me And nowm>I m>’m stuckm>i m>n thm>i m>s darkness Lookm>i m>ng for my sunshm>i m>ne, my solar 一人の 部屋の中で 今も思い出す Days wm>i m>th you Yeah 君との 未来を 探し続けてる All nm>i m>ght long Oh Oh Oh 変わらな...m>i m>ng Star