找到 i m going to 相关歌词600首

  • Changes

    ... tm>im>me m>Im> see you cry m>Im> realm>im>se m>Im>`ve seen your tears too many tm>im>mes We`re gom>im>ng through changes m>Im> know m>Im>`m wrong, m>Im> realm>im>se m>Im>t`s not my place to try and justm>im>fy That m>im>s why m>Im>`m not that knm>im>fe m>im>n your sm>im>de Cos m>Im>`m sheddm>im>ng the skm>im>n that m>Im>`m m>im>n m>Im>t`s not my fate to lm>im>ve a lm>im>fe wm>im>thout you m>im>n...

    Gareth Gates Pm>im>ctures Of The Other Sm>im>de
  • Changes

    ... tm>im>me m>Im> see you cry m>Im> realm>im>se m>Im>`ve seen your tears too many tm>im>mes We`re gom>im>ng through changes m>Im> know m>Im>`m wrong, m>Im> realm>im>se m>Im>t`s not my place to try and justm>im>fy That m>im>s why m>Im>`m not that knm>im>fe m>im>n your sm>im>de Cos m>Im>`m sheddm>im>ng the skm>im>n that m>Im>`m m>im>n m>Im>t`s not my fate to lm>im>ve a lm>im>fe wm>im>thout you m>im>n...

    Gareth Gates Pm>im>ctures Of The Other Sm>im>de
  • Back To Me

    ...plead Cause when your eyes lm>im>ght up the skm>im>es at nm>im>ght m>Im> know you’re gonna fm>im>nd your way back to me No don’t Don’t you ever let a pm>im>ece of me down Cause tm>im>me won’t Get back when m>Im>’m never around When we lm>im>ve between so many walls That m>Im> can barely breathe You say that...

    The All-Amerm>im>can Rejects When the World Comes Down
  • Losm>im>ng A Frm>im>end

    The Cardm>im>gans - Losm>im>ng A Frm>im>end You're losm>im>ng a frm>im>end You got m>im>t all wrong m>Im>t’s not about revenge But you're losm>im>ng a frm>im>end m>Im> dm>im>dn't see m>im>t comm>im>ng Wm>im>th my head stuck m>im>n the sand But now m>Im>’m losm>im>ng a frm>im>end And m>im>t's keepm>im>ng me up m>Im>t's the rm>im>bbons m>Im> tm>im>ed m>Im> would rather ju...

    the cardm>im>gans Super Extra Gravm>im>ty
  • キミに歌ったラブソング(Englm>im>sh ver.)

    ...me m>Im> just want you to know everythm>im>ng about me everythm>im>ng that m>Im>’ve been gom>im>ng through when m>Im> gm>im>ve a bm>im>g hug you would just hug back oh m>Im> really really lm>im>ke that your helpm>im>ng hand your warmth m>im>nsm>im>de made me strong you made me tough you are my destm>im>ny thm>im>s m>im>s a last love song a love song for you a...

    Lm>im>l’B ナミダラブレター
  • Plc.4 Mm>im>e Haed

    ...om the sun, the sun doesn’t gm>im>ve lm>im>ght to the moon, assumm>im>ng the moons gonna owe m>im>t one, and makes me thm>im>nk of how you act to me, you do favors that rapm>im>dly, you just turn around and start askm>im>ng me about thm>im>ngs you want back from me, m>Im>’m sm>im>ck of the tensm>im>on, sm>im>ck of the hunger, sm>im>ck of yo...

    Lm>im>nkm>im>n Park
  • So Not Over You (Johnny Douglas Radm>im>o Mm>im>x)

    ...now why m>Im> stm>im>ll slept on my sm>im>de of the bed The emptm>im>ness when you were gone kept rm>im>ngm>im>ng m>im>n my head Told myself m>Im> really had to move along now Stop regrettm>im>ng all the thm>im>ngs m>Im> left unsam>im>d, yeah yeah So m>Im> tore up your letters Took your pm>im>cture off my wall m>Im> deleted your number, m>im>t wa...

    Sm>im>mply Red So not over you (CDM)
  • Be Wm>im>th You

    ... m>Im>’m a always be there for you And em>im>ther way you look at m>im>t m>Im> am>im>n’t gom>im>n no where for my muffm>im>n Cause she gonna hold m>im>t down, cant no body tell her nothm>im>n You got the km>im>nd of love that always make a ???? fussm>im>n And that’s what gets me closer to you And no one knows Why m>Im>’m m>im>nt...

    Akon Freedom
  • To You

    ...m>im>n m>Im>'m standm>im>ng here m>Im>'m all alone and mm>im>ssm>im>ng you m>Im> never want to let you go that you go that way m>Im>n the ram>im>n m>Im>’m all alone Runnm>im>ng m>im>n the ram>im>n for you m>Im> wanna gm>im>ve my lm>im>fe to you to you m>Im> remember the days when we were happy and so gay m>Im> remember the days we lm>im>ved m>im>n perfect harmony For so many ...

    张国荣 钟情张国荣
  • When m>Im> Fm>im>nd My Baby

    ...staff she’s all about. m>Im> know the people she knows at all the places she goes. m>Im> know her up, down, m>im>nsm>im>de out. m>Im> know the needs that she’s got, m>Im> know what gets the gm>im>rl hot. m>Im> know m>Im>’ve got the m>im>nsm>im>de track. And yeah, m>Im> know she’s upset – Well, let her play hard-to-get. ‘Cause m>im>f m>Im> kno...

    Thomas Goodbrm>im>dge,Nm>im>colas Colm>im>cos,m>Im>van De Frem>im>tas Sm>im>ster Act-The Musm>im>cal
