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...タンド」 作詞∶野田洋次郎 作曲∶野田洋次郎 歌∶RADW
RADWm>I m>MPS 君は風邪をひいた時のような声で 僕の名前を何度も呼びました あなたから僕への愛のサインは それはそれは 奥ゆかしく泣けました 君が僕の左腕を噛み付いた 食...m>I m>MPS ドリーマーズハイ -
how do ya feel ton
m>i m>ghtHow Do You Feel Ton
Bryan Adams on a day lm>i m>ght 歌手:Bryan Adams 专辑:On A Day Lm>i m>ke Todaym>i m>s there anybody out there? anyone that\'s lovedm>i m>n vam>i m>n anyone that feels the samem>i m>s there anybody wam>i m>tm>i m>ng? wam>i m>tm>i m>ng for a chance to wm>i m>n to gm>i m>vem>i m>t up and start agam>i m>n we all need somethm>i m>ng new somethm>i m>ng that...m>i m>ke today -
Wonder What You’re Do
m>i m>ng For The Rest Of Your Lm>i m>fe︿☆Wonder What You’re Do
Tram>i m>ng For The Rest Of Your Lm>i m>fe☆︿ 演唱:Tram>i m>n&Marsha Ambrosm>i m>us →小源哥QQ:37 520 1163 制作← www.lrcgc.com ★【歌词网】 That bm>i m>g apple took a bm>i m>te out of me Never the same after lm>i m>vm>i m>ngm>i m>n the cm>i m>ty You got to tell yourself thm>i m>ngs that aren...m>i m>n&Marsha Ambrosm>i m>us Bulletproof Pm>i m>casso -
The Haunt
m>i m>ngAbove The Golden State - The Haunt
Above The Golden State Above The Golden Statem>i m>ng www.lrcgc.com 卜超 制作 Stones throw awaym>I m> can see Hm>i m>s agony Start to bleed Stones throw awaym>I m> can hear Hm>i m>s adamant plea “Letm>i m>t pass from me” Save Lord,m>I m> pray Save me from my enemy Who prowlsm>i m>n deepm>I m>’ll fm>i m>ght to stay a... -
For My Love
www.lrcgc.com Album:Bethany D
Bethany Dm>i m>llon Bethany Dm>i m>llon-For My Love Walk towards mem>I m> want to hear The heavens sm>i m>ngm>i m>ng over you When you breathe And look at mem>I m> want to be captured by you Gazem>i m>nto my eyes And let me know you’d fm>i m>ght Thousands, for my love Slm>i m>p your handm>i m>n m...m>i m>llon Bethany Dm>i m>llon -
m>I m>STMAS」 作詞∶George Mm>i m>chael 作曲∶George Mm>i m>chael 歌∶m>I m>NFm>I m>Nm>I m>TY 16 Last Chrm>i m>stmasm>I m> gave you my heart But the very next day you gavem>i m>t away Thm>i m>s year to save me from tearsm>I m>’ll gm>i m>vem>i m>t to someone specm>i m>al Last Chrm>i m>stmasm>I m> gave you my heart But the very next day you gavem>i m>...m>I m>NFm>I m>Nm>I m>TY 16 Whm>i m>te Cover -
Never End
m>i m>ng DreamSR
游戏动漫 圣火徽章m>I m>SE@21cn.comm>I m>nsm>i m>de your pam>i m>n and sorrow never endm>i m>ng dream Stm>i m>ll lm>i m>ves close to your wounded heart Don’t fall apart let me hold youm>i m>n my arms So you can rest your soul Drm>i m>ftm>i m>ng through the wm>i m>nds of tm>i m>me Feelm>i m>ng warmth of sweet memorm>i m>es You’ll realm>i m>ze you’re not all alone... -
Let's V
m>i m>no (Bonus Track)...情往前冲 自在没有尽头 流浪的时候 大步地走 勇气加满
孙燕姿 Stefanm>I m>'m not a alone 用自己的步伐摸索 美丽的风景太多 想要走遍世界每个角落 没有你怎么够 Vm>i m>no Vm>i m>no 我们去兜风 Vm>i m>no Vm>i m>no 加速带我走 留下美好 精采内容 you've stolen my heart Vm>i m>no Vm>i m>n...m>i m>e -
Dr. Carter
Where's my coffee? Good Morn
Lm>i m>ng Dr. Carter (Hey Sweetm>i m>e) Looks lm>i m>kem>i m>ts gom>i m>ng to be a long day. (Ahh. Another one huh? What we got?) Your fm>i m>rst patm>i m>ent (Yeah)m>I m>s sufferm>i m>ng from a lack of concepts: (Uh-Huh) Orm>i m>gm>i m>nalm>i m>ty, (Ugh) Hm>i m>s flowm>i m>s weak, (Another one) And he has no style. (Ugh...m>I m>l Wayne Tha Carterm>I m>m>I m>m>I m> -
Stardust - M
莫文蔚&Mm>i m>ka/莫文蔚 Wrm>i m>tten by:Benassm>i m> Alessandro/Benassm>i m> Marco/ Hector Wayne/Pennm>i m>man Mm>i m>chael 歌词编辑:果果 QQ:765708831 歌词网:http://www.lrcgc.com/ Mm>i m>ka:m>I m> could be starm>i m>ng at somebody new Stuckm>i m>n my headm>i m>...m>i m>ka