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...:Yes!Today! 歌手:螺丝钉 专辑:螺丝钉同名专辑 Everyth
螺丝钉 螺丝钉同名专辑m>i m>ngs gonna be so bad 瞧瞧你的脑袋呗 想些什么做些什么无所谓 Everythm>i m>ngs gonna be okay 需要有一种感觉 生活的我不再是梦That’s OK! Everyday noot a day 我知道我要什么 不要再对... -
m>I m>n The Dm>i m>stance歌手名:林俊杰 专辑名:陆 林俊杰-Cr
谭盾 九歌m>i m>esm>i m>n a Dm>i m>stance Crm>i m>esm>i m>n a dm>i m>stance Can’t stop the tremblem>I m>’m just awam>i m>tm>i m>ng my turn Hm>i m>dm>i m>ng wm>i m>ll never Save me forever The guns gonna get me for sure Dear Godm>I m> pray why won’t you be my frm>i m>end Come to me and take my hand Lm>i m>ke mama would say Ev... -
Soft To Touch
Atomm>i m>c Km>i m>tten---Soft To Touch So beauty′s only skm>i m>n deep baby But when you touch mem>I m> don′t care Allm>I m> know when you′rem>i m>n deep babym>I m> just want to keep you therem>I m> can′t control My needm>i m>ng You′re allm>I m> hoped you′d bem>I m>′m breathless From thm>i m>s feelm>i m>ng Thm>i m>s need′...m>i m>c Km>i m>tten Feel So Good -
石井竜也 WHm>I m>N SONG」 作詞∶石井竜也 作曲∶石井竜也 編曲∶TATOO 歌∶石井竜也 ズブ濡れで歩いてた いつの間にか 街のざわめきさえも 聞こえない 壁に寄り掛かっては 口ずさんでた あの頃の思い出の あの歌を 傷つく事さえ 許...m>I m>TE CANVAS -
m>i m>ng Grace涓撻泦锛歑2 Dan
Soler X2m>i m>ele Bao/Adrm>i m>an Da Sm>i m>lva 鐚蓟鎻掕懕鍒朵綔 Adam and Eve and all the strangeness of humanm>i m>ty Sent my soulm>i m>nto an orbm>i m>t of anxm>i m>ety Then one nm>i m>ght my father appeared to mem>i m>n my dream And thm>i m>sm>i m>s what he sam>i m>d \"Forgm>i m>ve and then forget\" Som>I m> asked hm>i m>m what of all t... -
You've Got the Look
歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.comYou've Got The Look - The Lonely
The Lonelym>I m>sland.(Yeah, oh yeah. You got the look.).Gm>i m>rl – you got the look (you got the look! )You’re rollm>i m>ng upm>i m>n the party wm>i m>th one tm>i m>tty out (one tm>i m>tty out)Oh gm>i m>rl, you got the whole damn place shook up (you know you gotm>i m>t shook)The way you...m>I m>sland The Wack Album -
...会意你是汉子 你会否营造浪漫故事 和我讲些美丽句子
梅艳芳 烈焰红唇m>I m>fm>I m> were a man and you were my gm>i m>rl 定必体贴地柔情待你 全部赞美全部献上给你 并低声讲我属你 不需要等生辰鲜花每天送赠 凌晨共你谈心求明白女人的心 凝望眼中的气氛m>I m>f... -
The Prett
m>i m>est Thm>i m>ngPrett
Norah Jones Feels Lm>i m>est thm>i m>ngm>I m> ever dm>i m>d see Was lm>i m>ghtenm>i m>ng from the top of a cloud Movm>i m>ng through the dark mm>i m>llm>i m>on mm>i m>les an hour Wm>i m>th somewhere to be So why doesm>i m>t seem Lm>i m>ke a pm>i m>cturem>I m>s hangm>i m>n’ up on someone else’s wall Latelym>I m> just haven’t been myself at all Heavy on my mm>i m>nd And...m>i m>ke Home -
Dawn Of A New Day
...寻 www.lrcgc.comCrystal Shawanda - Dawn Of A New Day.2 a.m., dashboard l
Crystal Shawanda Dawn Of A New Daym>i m>ghtsOh godm>i m>t seemsm>I m>'ve been on the road all nm>i m>ghtGot momma's pm>i m>cture on the seat besm>i m>de meOh howm>I m> love whatm>I m> left behm>i m>nd meButm>I m>'m ready to faceThe dawn of a new day.Gotta keep on rollm>i m>n'Keep on gom>i m>n'Keep on movm>i m>n'Lm>i m>ke a r... -
m>i m>ck歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.comHomes
Sheryl Crow Feels Lm>i m>ck - Sheryl Crow.m>I m>’ve gotten used to bem>i m>ng goneSm>i m>lhouettes and unmade bedsAnd more and more whenm>I m>’m alonem>I m> thm>i m>nk of you.m>I m>’m gettm>i m>ng tm>i m>red of gom>i m>ng nowhereButm>i m>t’s allm>I m> ever doButm>I m> can turn thm>i m>s thm>i m>ng aroundGuessm>I m> don’t want to.m>I m> turn the key, open up th...m>i m>ke Home