找到 太傻 相关歌词23首

  • Feeling

    英文名:Feeling 演唱:Unknown Artist 汉语歌名:太傻 It is said to be let to long I don't know what to say It's pain or is hard That I'll feeling It has be going for sometime I just can take care anymore May be can you feel the same way As some feeling I just can on t...

    其它男歌手 太傻英文版
  • Goodbye my friend

    if you miss the train i'm on you will know that i'm gone you can hear the train calling one hundred miles... 盈眶的泪水语不成行 已无声的写在你脸上 不安的思绪驿动的心 常在我歌声中徜徉 淡淡的离愁轻轻的唱 随着南雁翻飞四方 并肩的情感患难相伴 ...

    巫启贤 太傻
  • 太傻(国+粤语)

    编:Ansen 在我心目前没有梦 寒夜里已不冻 离愁别绪徘徊在翻飞的风中 若往昔热情没有用 重遇你也不必心痛 只求共你留在眼里感觉于心中 只是为何当初你是不听所有纷纷扰扰 流言之中漫天风雨你会选择了我 只是...

    巫启贤 太傻(国 粤语)
