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  • 回忆最甜蜜

    昏里 我陶醉在那夕阳底 看那朵朵白云飘浮在天空里 阵阵的归燕成双又成对 恩恩爱爱情侣相偎相依难分离 夕阳在昏里多美丽 多可爱 想起你呀 往日 往日的情景多甜蜜 多么诗意 教我 教我怎能忘记你 回忆最甜蜜 ...

    莺莺 莺莺选曲第1集
  • 风的心

    作曲 : 吴大卫 作词 : 陈乐融 还记得出相见 你有话想对我说 却一直说不出口 收藏在心中好久 风 总是吹着云走 以为那是真正的自由 一片向往的天空 要到最后才能看破这是梦 风的心 从来不为云停留 到何时 才能忘记这份爱 我...

    莺莺 红粉知己
  • 结束的开始

    This is a beginning of the end.... This is a beginning of the end 亲吻我 然后就要挥手 道别泪流 Good bye my lover This is a beginning of the end 说爱我 然后就会难过 思念珍重 Never forever 总是这样 令人心动 眼神 眼波 笑容 酒窝 无一不牵引着我 ...

    莺莺 春光
  • Angel Baby

    Angel Baby 莺莺 It's just like heaven being here with you You're like an angel, too good to be true. But afterall, I love you I do. Angel baby, my angel baby. When you are near me, my heart gets to beat. I can hardly stand on my own two feet Because I love you, I love you, I do. Angel baby,...

    莺莺 摇篮曲

    莺莺 maybe i love you 我时常望着橱窗里的酒杯 午夜的灯光下是晶莹透明的世界 我时常望着橱窗里的酒杯 午夜的灯光下我不会醉 maybe i love you我喜欢这样美丽的错误 泪光中眼前一片模糊无法将一切看得太清楚 maybe i love you我喜欢...

  • 心肝宝贝

    作曲 : 罗大佑 作词 : 李坤城/罗大佑 月娘光光挂天顶 嫦娥置那住 你是阮的掌上明珠 抱着金金看 看你度着 看你收涎 看你底学行 看你会走 看你出世 相片一大塔 轻轻听着喘气声 心肝宝贝子 你是阮的幸福希望 斟酌给你晟 望...

    莺莺 摇篮曲
  • Tell me something I don’t know

    恍恍惚惚掉进 爱 迷人的陷阱 才想起还没认清你 甜甜蜜蜜是你 反反覆覆是你 开始捉摸不定 模模糊糊怀疑 拥抱里的真心 只是爱了就来不及 以为爱 好美丽 怎么爱像游戏 总是我输你嬴 不懂 我变傻的理由 你...

  • Unchained Melody

    Unchained Melody 奔放的旋律 oh, my love, my darling, Ive hungered for your touch A long lonely time And time goes by so slowly And time can do so much Are you still mine? I... I need your love I need your love God speed your love to me Lonely river flows to the sea to the sea To t...

    莺莺 I Don't Want To Talk About It
  • Mississippi

    莺莺 Mississippi Where you can hear a country song from far And someone plays the honky-tonk guitar Where all the lights will go out one by one The people join the sun And the wind takes it away Where the Mississippi falls down to the sea And lovers found the place thhhey'd like to be How...

  • Imagine

    Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for No religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo You may say I'm a dreame...

    莺莺 摇篮曲
